eherve / mongoose-datatable

Server side dataTable request support for mongoose
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populate not working #36

Closed mkharibalaji closed 4 years ago

mkharibalaji commented 9 years ago

Hi , First of all a big thanks for your great work.We are currently working on a project in which we use Express 4 mongoose : 4.1.1 mongoose-datatable : 1.0.4

var company = new Schema({ company_name : String, owner_first_name : String, owner_last_name : String, register_date : Date, company_license_no : String, company_addr1 : String, company_addr2 : String, company_addr3 : String, company_pin : Number, company_city : String, company_state: String, company_status : String, company_value : String, company_type : String, parent_company_id : String, createdby : String, createddate : Date, modifiedby : String, modifieddate : Date },{collection:'fms_company'});

var zone = new Schema({ zone_name : String, zone_description : String, createdby : String, createddate : Date, modifiedby : String, modifieddate : Date },{collection:'fms_zone'});

var zoneDeliveryCharge = new Schema({ company_id : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Company' }], zone_id : [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Zone' }], delivery_charge : Number, delivery_description : String, createdby : String, createddate : Date, modifiedby : String, modifieddate : Date },{collection:'fms_zone_delivery_charge'});

I have created a DataTable for zoneDeliveryCharge Schema as follows,

var zoneDeliveryChargeListTable = $('#zoneDeliveryChargeList').DataTable( { "processing" : true, "serverSide" : true, "responsive" : true,
"ajax" : { "url": 'xxxxxx/list', "data": function ( d ) {d.srch_company_id = $("#editCompanyID").val();} }, "columns": [ { "data": "zone_id.zone_name" }, { "data": "delivery_charge" }, { "data": "delivery_description" }, { "class":"details-control text-center", data: null, defaultContent: '   ', orderable: false }], "order": [[1, 'asc']] });

When I try to access populated value,I get nothing, var options = { conditions : { "company_id" : companyID} }; zoneDeliveryChargeModel.dataTable(req.query,options, function (err, data) { res.send(data); });

{"draw":"1","recordsTotal":2,"recordsFiltered":2,"data":[{"_id":"55d952af8cbfad3a05f8323a","delivery_description" :"XXXXXXXX","delivery_charge":100,"zone_id":[]},{"_id":"55d964354df324fc05930182","delivery_description" :"XXXXXXX","delivery_charge":200,"zone_id":[]}]}

I am getting zone_id always empty and don't finad any data getting populated into it.Is it something that I am doing wrong/missing. Or is it a bug ?

It would be better if you could provide a good example for populating refType....

Thanks & regards, Hari

jerome-chen commented 9 years ago

the same issue here, the property returns NULL.

eherve commented 9 years ago


Sorry for the late reply... Thanks for using this module.

Can you activate the debug on the plugin and send me the trace please. I'll see why it does not retrieve the data


eherve commented 5 years ago

Is it still an issue ?