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Aliasing of cube when rendering on Firefox. #6

Open kevingranade opened 6 years ago

kevingranade commented 6 years ago

Cube exibits aliasing artifacts on Firefox and rotates fairly slowly.

Possibly related warning from console: Error: WebGL warning: drawElements: This operation requires zeroing texture data. This is slow. index.js:24818:13

"PixiJS 4.5.5 - WebGL -" index.js:1073:9

kevingranade commented 6 years ago

Upstream issue:

ehgoodenough commented 6 years ago

Hm, the upstream issue makes it sound like it relates to our texture buffering. Currently, I'm using a somewhat unorthodox loading scheme via webpack, while most of the Pixi documentation suggests you use their in-library loading system. I suspect it has something to do with that. Investigating.

kevingranade commented 6 years ago

Pixi demo code at triggers the same warning, but uses PIXI.Sprite.fromImage()

ehgoodenough commented 6 years ago

Good catch!