ehn-dcc-development / hcert-kotlin

Kotlin multiplatform implementation of the HCERT/DCC specification
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 25 forks source link

Integration questions #51

Closed michelwehrli closed 3 years ago

michelwehrli commented 3 years ago

Not really an issue but a question. Sorry for the utter noobism to write an issue which isn't one.

I am currently trying to integrate any covid SDK into a cordova app to verify certificates. Because we are located in switzerland, it would have been great to support swiss "light" certificates. But because the Swiss government only offers Android and iOS SDKs, which we unsuccessfully tried to wrap into a cordova plugin, I integrated the hcert JavaScript library you are offering.

This works like a charm for all EU test certificates, but unfortunately neither for regular Swiss certificates nor for test ones. Swiss certs should officially be supported by EU implementations since friday (09.07.2021).

So my questions are:

  1. Are the sig- and trustlist-binaries from open to use?
  2. Are they up-to-date?
  3. Can they only be used for live certificates?
  4. Should Swiss certs be supported?

Many thanks in advance Michel

nodh commented 3 years ago


The files at contain DSC from the acceptance gateway, and those are up-to-date. But we do not plan to include DSC from the production gateway, so you will not be able to verify QR codes containing productive HCERT data.

The commit from dgc-testdata that is included in our repo contains certificates from Switzerland, and as far as I can tell, our implementation can verify them.


michelwehrli commented 3 years ago

Thank you!