ehrbase / documentation

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The documentation should state that the AQL endpoint includes some URL parameters otherwise using the client example wont work. #34

Closed SevKohler closed 2 years ago

SevKohler commented 2 years ago

Just tried out the AQL endpoint. The documentation states here how to setup the client: i copy pasta and then used the AQL endpoint, which duplicates (/rest/openehr/v1/) therefore the AQLs wont work since they will be executed on /ehrbase/rest/openehr/rest/openehr/v1/query/aql/ . This quickly leads to confusion especially for new users. Therefore shouldnt the client point to "http://localhost:8080/ehrbase/" ?

Also adding the credentials and so on are not explained (afaik) so adding smt like that would be good or at least explain it (maybe you guys did and i just missed it).

        CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
        credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("*****", "**********"));
        CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create()

        DefaultRestClient client = ...

PS: Add maybe a small hint that the template provider can be null if using only the AQL endpoint (does no harm before users start configuring a TP they dont need).