ehrenb / machina

A scalable and recursive binary analysis pipeline
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repository-triggered builds #14

Closed ehrenb closed 1 year ago

ehrenb commented 1 year ago

When machina-base is built, also trigger subsequent builds of downstream images.

ehrenb commented 1 year ago

In machina-base, the following can be put into a worfklow to trigger a downstream build (of machina-zip, for example):

       - name: Trigger Workflow
         uses: actions/github-script@v6
           github-token: ${{ secrets.PAT_TOKEN }}
           script: |
               owner: 'ehrenb',
               repo: 'machina-zip',
               workflow_id: 'docker-image.yml',
               ref: 'main',

This forces machina-zip to rebuild and push a new image tagged with 'main'. This doesn't really help when a new release is cut, and we want to ensure the version-tagged image has the upstream machina-base:latest.

ehrenb commented 1 year ago

for now, see for streamlined build commands

ehrenb commented 1 year ago

Added release action like this: