When date having more data than the current date is selected, it is crashing the app.
Ex: If current date (11/29) is selected it has only 1 pie in its list. Date (11/23) has 3 pies in the list. When 11/23 date is selected from 11/28 date, it is crashing the app with index out of bonds exception.
I have seen the PieCharts.kt code in the library. In line 71, it is checking id details is not empty it is trying to update existing details with new data, which gives error when new data pie list has more values.
Please address this issue immediately. I would like to contribute to the project if you feel this is a proper issue.
Hi, I am using PieCharts in my app and PieChart gets changed with different data based on input.
Issue Screenshot
When date having more data than the current date is selected, it is crashing the app.
Ex: If current date (11/29) is selected it has only 1 pie in its list. Date (11/23) has 3 pies in the list. When 11/23 date is selected from 11/28 date, it is crashing the app with index out of bonds exception.
I have seen the PieCharts.kt code in the library. In line 71, it is checking id details is not empty it is trying to update existing details with new data, which gives error when new data pie list has more values.
Please address this issue immediately. I would like to contribute to the project if you feel this is a proper issue.
Thank you.