Closed pymilo closed 8 months ago
If I use your code and limit the y scale to the same scale that you used in your plot, i don't see a discrepancy though it is hard to tell by just comparing the two plots by eye. I compare the transmission curve of air specifically on the following page of the documentation cxro_compare.html and there is very little difference.
If you provide the data we could plot the two datasets on top of each other.
Oh! I'm so dumb. Thanks, Steve, for clarifying this. Easy fix!
Hi there!
When using the LBL platform to estimate the absorption of air for different energies and distances, we got the following:
Trying to corroborate such curves, we found something 300 orders of magnitude different. We are using the following code:
`import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u from astropy.visualization import quantity_support quantity_support()
from roentgen.absorption import Material
thickness = u.Quantity(np.logspace(-2,2,100), 'm') energy = u.Quantity([1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20], 'keV') material = 'air'
for e in energy: mat = Material(material, thickness) plt.plot(thickness, mat.transmission(e), label=int(e.value))
plt.title(f"Source Optics distance") plt.ylabel('Transmission') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log')`
Any help understanding this issue is welcome! 🤓