Closed Winterhart closed 6 years ago
I don't think Travis will work until having merge with 'dev'
This is the problem right now... we are missing sonarqube credetential
Execution failed for task ':sonarqube'.
> Not authorized. Please check the properties sonar.login and sonar.password.
The main problem now:
Pull request with branch does not exist on server: dev
We might want to add all branches to sonar analysis list... however, I am unable to login as admin
By now it's failing because it is not on dev... I am stuck here
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Total time: 4.967s
INFO: Final Memory: 55M/179M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
ERROR: Pull request with branch does not exist on server: dev
I can't change anything on our Sonar Setup !!!
I was not able to implement a tool to send the failing test...