eic / epic

DD4hep Geometry Description of the ePIC Experiment
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Stuck Track in MRICH #274

Open wdconinc opened 1 year ago

wdconinc commented 1 year ago

Environment: (where does this bug occur, have you tried other environments)

Steps to reproduce: (give a step by step account of how to trigger the bug)

No reproducible example yet...

Expected Result: (what do you expect when you execute the steps above)

No errors.

Actual Result: (what do you get when you execute the steps above)

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------                   
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.                          
  Track stuck, not moving for 25 steps.                                         
  Current  phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_239_240#240' 
   - at position : (-111.8177080698794,-114.9660805245638,-1460.048982798532)
     in direction: (-0.603969267579085,0.7645227037853363,-0.2252246860731357)
    (local position: (-28.71629382979029,-39.41690184120318,0.6469387750294118))
    (local direction: (0.5834326045268591,0.7751331089854316,0.2424356808095391)).
  Previous phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_5'                                       

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
 Track *abandoned* due to excessive number of Zero steps. Event aborted.

*** Event Must Be Aborted ***                                                   
G4Track (0x55d376821be0) - track ID = 65860, parent ID = 65846                  
 Particle type : gamma - creator process : nCapture, creator model : model_nRadCapture                                                                          
 Kinetic energy : 781.118 keV - Momentum direction : (-0.603969,0.764523,-0.225225)
 Step length : 1 Ang - total energy deposit : 0 eV                              
 Pre-step point : (-111.818,-114.966,-1460.05) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_239_240#240 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : Transportation - step status : 1
 Post-step point : (-111.818,-114.966,-1460.05) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_239_240#240 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : compt - step status : 7
 *** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------

### CAUGHT SIGNAL: 11 ### address: 0x55d626f8e70d,  signal =  SIGSEGV, value =   11, description = segmentation violation. Address not mapped to object.
wdconinc commented 1 year ago

Reproducible on OSG (but doesn't allow for debugging...)

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 25 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_239_240#240'
   - at position : (-111.8177080698794,-114.9660805245638,-1460.048982798532)
     in direction: (-0.603969267579085,0.7645227037853363,-0.2252246860731357)
    (local position: (-28.71629382979029,-39.41690184120318,0.6469387750294118))
    (local direction: (0.5834326045268591,0.7751331089854316,0.2424356808095391)).
  Previous phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_5'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
 Track *abandoned* due to excessive number of Zero steps. Event aborted. 

*** Event Must Be Aborted ***
G4Track (0x55bed46d5640) - track ID = 65860, parent ID = 65846
 Particle type : gamma - creator process : nCapture, creator model : model_nRadCapture
 Kinetic energy : 781.118 keV - Momentum direction : (-0.603969,0.764523,-0.225225)
 Step length : 1 Ang - total energy deposit : 0 eV 
 Pre-step point : (-111.818,-114.966,-1460.05) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_239_240#240 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : Transportation - step status : 1
 Post-step point : (-111.818,-114.966,-1460.05) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_239_240#240 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : compt - step status : 7
 *** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------
wdconinc commented 1 year ago
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav1002
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 10 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_12'
   - at position : (-35.89192923445981,229.1999841049258,-1465.133728655001)
     in direction: (0.6531108974145095,-0.3820147284421875,-0.6538431791581647)
    (local position: (-39.6040281580798,-19.8443523304245,-54.55653770509093))
    (local direction: (-0.6822154845091466,-0.4862915514491813,0.5459876918805942)).
  Previous phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_218_219#219'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
   *** Trying to get *unstuck* using a push - expanding step to 1e-07 (mm) ...       Potential overlap in geometry !

*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 25 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_218_219#219'
   - at position : (-35.89192825479343,229.1999835319036,-1465.133729635765)
     in direction: (0.6531108974145095,-0.3820147284421875,-0.6538431791581647)
    (local position: (-39.60402918140301,-19.84435305986173,0.5753150866787564))
    (local direction: (-0.6822154845091466,-0.4862915514491813,0.5459876918805942)).
  Previous phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_12'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
 Track *abandoned* due to excessive number of Zero steps. Event aborted. 

*** Event Must Be Aborted ***
G4Track (0x55b35f03a078) - track ID = 498009, parent ID = 497882
 Particle type : neutron - creator process : neutronInelastic, creator model : model_BertiniCascade
 Kinetic energy : 4.80654 MeV - Momentum direction : (0.653111,-0.382015,-0.653843)
 Step length : 1 Ang - total energy deposit : 0 eV 
 Pre-step point : (-35.8919,229.2,-1465.13) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_218_219#219 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : Transportation - step status : 1
 Post-step point : (-35.8919,229.2,-1465.13) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_218_219#219 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : hadElastic - step status : 7
 *** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------
wdconinc commented 1 year ago
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav1002
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 10 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_67'
   - at position : (261.9284332058728,397.8918640674821,-1462.769180526496)
     in direction: (-0.4514543919226546,0.6791510047503185,-0.578742468426483)
    (local position: (-9.069476028584859,-9.320377009913557,-54.51205664313034))
    (local direction: (0.5711520253170294,0.4988941943838197,0.6518358280935275)).
  Previous phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_63_64#64'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
   *** Trying to get *unstuck* using a push - expanding step to 1e-07 (mm) ...       Potential overlap in geometry !

*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 25 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_63_64#64'
   - at position : (261.9284325286911,397.8918650862085,-1462.769181394611)
     in direction: (-0.4514543919226546,0.6791510047503185,-0.578742468426483)
    (local position: (-9.069475171856567,-9.320376261572733,0.6197963074137078))
    (local direction: (0.5711520253170294,0.4988941943838197,0.6518358280935275)).
  Previous phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_67'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
 Track *abandoned* due to excessive number of Zero steps. Event aborted. 

*** Event Must Be Aborted ***
G4Track (0x5555c40fc308) - track ID = 15191, parent ID = 15154
 Particle type : gamma - creator process : eBrem, creator model : model_Bremsstrahlung
 Kinetic energy : 189.799 keV - Momentum direction : (-0.451454,0.679151,-0.578742)
 Step length : 1 Ang - total energy deposit : 0 eV 
 Pre-step point : (261.928,397.892,-1462.77) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_63_64#64 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : Transportation - step status : 1
 Post-step point : (261.928,397.892,-1462.77) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_63_64#64 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : compt - step status : 7
 *** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------
wdconinc commented 1 year ago
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav1002
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 10 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_29'
   - at position : (-357.4914789450139,-49.54916574633029,-1463.001055333458)
     in direction: (-0.2479569925209182,0.9371047776858177,-0.2456663703041091)
    (local position: (-3.588789437068897,26.99126043400685,-54.43159713918726))
    (local direction: (0.1936087105306807,0.9486649447402453,0.2501009592697206)).
  Previous phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_134_135#135'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
   *** Trying to get *unstuck* using a push - expanding step to 1e-07 (mm) ...       Potential overlap in geometry !

*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 25 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_134_135#135'
   - at position : (-357.4914793169497,-49.54916434067315,-1463.001055701956)
     in direction: (-0.2479569925209182,0.9371047776858177,-0.2456663703041091)
    (local position: (-3.588789146655245,26.9912618570042,0.700255208752651))
    (local direction: (0.1936087105306807,0.9486649447402453,0.2501009592697206)).
  Previous phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_29'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
 Track *abandoned* due to excessive number of Zero steps. Event aborted. 

*** Event Must Be Aborted ***
G4Track (0x5555c38f47a0) - track ID = 28318, parent ID = 28206
 Particle type : neutron - creator process : neutronInelastic, creator model : model_BertiniCascade
 Kinetic energy : 151.448 keV - Momentum direction : (-0.247957,0.937105,-0.245666)
 Step length : 1 Ang - total energy deposit : 0 eV 
 Pre-step point : (-357.491,-49.5492,-1463) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_134_135#135 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : Transportation - step status : 1
 Post-step point : (-357.491,-49.5492,-1463) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_134_135#135 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : hadElastic - step status : 7
 *** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------
wdconinc commented 1 year ago
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav1002
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 10 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_59'
   - at position : (507.6786428907522,202.4234236821334,-1449.107624510018)
     in direction: (0.7746551144901058,0.2765577340332402,0.5687049088417653)
    (local position: (-35.87403617533994,16.82601867615759,-54.35392686385103))
    (local direction: (-0.8999782639481464,0.3465155657840044,-0.2645110339669628)).
  Previous phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_195_196#196'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
   *** Trying to get *unstuck* using a push - expanding step to 1e-07 (mm) ...       Potential overlap in geometry !

*** This is just a warning message. ***
-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomNav0003
      issued by : G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
Stuck Track: potential geometry or navigation problem.
  Track stuck, not moving for 25 steps.
  Current  phys volume: 'AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_195_196#196'
   - at position : (507.6786440527351,202.42342409697,-1449.10762365696)
     in direction: (0.7746551144901058,0.2765577340332402,0.5687049088417653)
    (local position: (-35.87403752530747,16.82601919593091,0.7779247121718527))
    (local direction: (-0.8999782639481464,0.3465155657840044,-0.2645110339669628)).
  Previous phys volume: 'MRICH_module1_59'

  Likely geometry overlap - else navigation problem !
 Track *abandoned* due to excessive number of Zero steps. Event aborted. 

*** Event Must Be Aborted ***
G4Track (0x5576c03c0fb8) - track ID = 512425, parent ID = 512369
 Particle type : neutron - creator process : pi+Inelastic, creator model : model_BertiniCascade
 Kinetic energy : 2.01157 MeV - Momentum direction : (0.774655,0.276558,0.568705)
 Step length : 1 Ang - total energy deposit : 0 eV 
 Pre-step point : (507.679,202.423,-1449.11) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_195_196#196 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : Transportation - step status : 1
 Post-step point : (507.679,202.423,-1449.11) - Physical volume : AV_777!MRICH_module1_lens_3#3!lens_groove_195_196#196 (AcrylicOptical)
 - defined by : hadElastic - step status : 7
 *** Note: Step information might not be properly updated.

-------- EEEE -------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------