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Geometry Description of the ePIC Experiment
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Update sensor geometry for rp #791

Closed ajentsch closed 1 month ago

ajentsch commented 1 month ago

Briefly, what does this PR introduce?

This PR introduces changing RP geometry for the various beam energies, and updates the sensor size for the AC-LGADs to what we are planning to build.

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

Please check if this PR fulfills the following:

Changes will be presented at meetings on Monday and Tuesday (Oct 14th and 15th)

See slides here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/43mhwxeyvluku0w1ojqfr/new_roman_pots_geometry_10_9_2024.pdf?rlkey=w0wc0gzrk4d03e8uh9w8s0tq5&dl=0

Does this PR introduce breaking changes? What changes might users need to make to their code?

No changes to user code needed, but users need to be careful to select the correct geometry when running dd4hep AND EICrecon. (https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/pl/rptqecge1jyctkkwa1454zy1mw)

I will hopefully address this issue in a PR immediately following this one.

Does this PR change default behavior?

Yes, the low-pT acceptances at the Roman pots will be much closer to reality now, and will vary with beam energy, as they should.