eic / ip6

ARCHIVED - DD4hep Geometry Description of the IP6 Beamline
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Main-master branch inconsistency #1

Closed DraTeots closed 1 year ago

DraTeots commented 1 year ago

ecce repository has 'main' branch but ip6 repository has 'master' branch. Perfectionist hell

wdconinc commented 1 year ago

Perfectionists will always live in hell. Closing.

DraTeots commented 1 year ago

Sigh... Ok then.... Just know it and live with it!

wdconinc commented 1 year ago

Sorry, but changing a default branch name is invasive for all current users (and potentially error prone and confusing). We shouldn't do that for mere esthetic reasons.

DraTeots commented 1 year ago

I understand. Just can't unsee this.


If seriously, I hope ip6 will be merged into the detector as living in a separate repo is now has much less points

wdconinc commented 1 year ago

Maybe. A lot of infrastructure is built on the two repo model. Upsetting that is not a high priority.