eidellev / inertiajs-adonisjs

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AdonisJS 6 Support #127

Open RomainLanz opened 11 months ago

RomainLanz commented 11 months ago

Hey @eidellev! 👋🏻

Do you already have any plans to support AdonisJS 6 in the near future? The current V6 release should have everything in place for us to begin working on the migration.

I wonder if you already initiated this process or if you want some help to start the migration.

eidellev commented 11 months ago

Hi @RomainLanz ! :-) Thanks for reaching out. I plan to support V6 as soon as my schedule allows it.

I don't currently have access to the V6 alpha. If I could get an invite I may be able to start working on it sooner.

RomainLanz commented 11 months ago

Cool, I will check to give you access to the new release!

Do you want to match the coding style of AdonisJS 6 or keep the one you are currently using?

acidiney commented 10 months ago

Hey, @RomainLanz @eidellev do you have any update where?

would like to know if I can help with something.

akatora28 commented 8 months ago

Also curious to hear if there's any update or movement on this, would be willing to help contribute if there's a new branch this is being worked on

Julien-R44 commented 8 months ago

Hey @eidellev !

hope you're doing well. Just wanted to give you a heads-up: we ( the core team ) are planning to create an "official" Inertia package for AdonisJS 6. We are working on it right now

Really appreciate all the effort you've put into maintaining the package so far. It's been a huge help for everyone! If you're busy with other stuff, I think : no worries about migrating your to Adonis 6. And if you ever want to get involved with the official package, let us know, we would be more than happy to collaborate with you

Thanks again for your great work

eidellev commented 8 months ago

Hey @Julien-R44 Thanks for the heads up. I'm sure you'll do a great job of it 👍

jcs224 commented 6 months ago

Yay, V6 is out!

What would it take to get this repo up and running on the new version? Or any word on the "official" Adonis version?

Julien-R44 commented 6 months ago

@adonisjs/inertia is still experimental but already usable. Only blocking point is SSR but should be resolved soon. Will write a blog post about it soon

However, if you don't need SSR immediately, you can just npm install @adonisjs/inertia and node ace configure @adonisjs/inertia and it should works just fine. API is almost similar to eidellev's package

And also, you can use https://github.com/adonisjs-community/adonis-packages that use @adonisjs/inertia, as an example

jcs224 commented 6 months ago

Amazing :star_struck: Thank you!

maiah commented 6 months ago

🚀 Awesome! If this happens Adonis has potential to be a premier full stack framework like the experience with Astro. And can be much better since it has out-of-the-box features for ORM, Auth, API endpoints, Validation, Email, Background processing, etc... which is needed like almost all Application projects.

e-e commented 5 months ago

@Julien-R44 Any updates on the official package?

AnaelBonnafous commented 4 months ago

@Julien-R44 Any updates on the official package?

It's available here : https://github.com/adonisjs/inertia, work in progress and no docs for now but looks amazing !

Julien-R44 commented 4 months ago

quick heads up : the inertia package was released !