Closed JWdeBokx closed 1 week ago
Ich habe den Adaper gelöscht und neu über die Katze installiert. Bei mir hat sich mit meinen 3 Geräten nichts sichtbares geändert. Keine Fehlermeldung bisher. Aber wie auch schon erwähnt keine Aktualisierung der Daten.
@Bongo2 Bitte starte den Adapter doch im Debug-Modus und gib hier die Logausgaben zwischen "Try to (re)connect" als Text bekannt. Beispiele, was ich meine, siehst du hier weiter oben ;-) Mit sowas wie "bei mir gehts auch nicht" kann ich leider nicht weiterkommen...
@Bongo2 Danke. Bitte nochmal neu installieren und probieren. Und wenn es nicht geht, bitte wieder die Logs zur Verfügung stellen. Daumen drücken ;-)
Funktioniert noch nicht. Die Version ist unverändert 1.1.1. Hier die Debugausgabe:
The devices communicates with the adapter now. @JWdeBokx Can you verify that by posting your logs too?
The datapoints are not filled because the devices answer 403 Forbidden
. Now it's try and error again: I pushed a new version, please install it and give the debug-logs.
Had some harddisk problems, so had to search for the config json. Here are the logs, looks better now! homeconnect.log
The datapoints should be filled now. To hold the connection, I reconnect every minute. On your device(s) this doesn't always work - see Closed connection to NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705; reason: 1002
. Don't know what "reason: 1002" means (that's from the device and there is no documentation of their error codes). I added this code on close event of the socket connection now and start a reconnect, if it occurs. Perhaps it helps. Would you have a try please?
@Bongo2 Bei mehreren Geräten wäre die Ausgabe auch interessant. Die Datenpunkte sollten gefüllt werden, kann aber sein, dass manche Geräte noch besondere Nachrichtenwünsche haben ;-)
Yes, datapoints are filled now!
the log of today attached homeconnect.log
Well, I don't know why the message after reconnection from device is corrupted. Really no idea how to fix that. I reset my changes only "reason 1002" has left. One more try?
Sehr schön. Es tut sich was. Die Datenpunkte werden teilweise gefüllt. Aber noch errors:
Aha du hattest eine Änderung gemacht. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich die letzte Version schon hatte. Vielleicht gab es eine Überschneidung.
@Bongo2 Danke, das passt, hat sich nicht überschnitten. Es scheint so weit alles zu funktionieren. Nach 1 Min wird eine Reconnection zum Gerät durchgeführt und der Initialisierungsprozess läuft erneut. Ich verstehe gerade nicht, warum das beim zweiten Mal (also nach der zweiten Minute) nicht mehr klappt. Probier nochmal bitte.
Dieses Mal viel mehr Debug Ausgabe. Aber ich glaube kein Error:
@Bongo2 Löschst du dir jedes Mal den Inhalt des config-Datenpunlts? Den kannst du lassen, denn die muss ja nur ein einziges Mal erstellt werden. Dann fehlen zumindest die anfänglichen Log-Ausgaben ;-) Noch ein Versuch bitte. Ich hoffe, jetzt klappts.
Beim löschen des Adapters werden automatisch alle Datenpunkte gelöscht. Beim letzten mal habe ich schon beim ersten Instanzstart das debug eingeschaltet. Hier meine Ausgabe. Errors sind drin:
@Bongo2 Ich hoffe, du bist nicht genervt von dem ganzen Geteste... Bitte noch ein Versuch.
Naja, es soll uns ja allen helfen :-)
So, wir nähern uns. Das einzige, was ich jetzt noch sehe ist bei "SX858D06PE". Zu dem wird irgendwie keine Verbindung aufgebaut. Was ist das für ein Gerät? Die anderen müssten funktionieren. Der TI9558X1DE läuft gerade oder? Zumindest informiert er brav über Änderungen ;-)
SX858D06PE ist der Geschirrspüler. TI9558X1DE die Kaffeemaschine, da gab es tatsächlich gerade Kaffee :-)
Aber tatsächlich haben alle 3 Maschinen Verbindungsprobleme. Und irgendwie spielt der "normale" homeconnect Adapter irgendwie mit:
2024-09-27 15:06:01.490 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) starting. Version 1.1.0 (non-npm: eifel-tech/ioBroker.cloudless-homeconnect#45e556e08e1dddff0e71701e18b172135371c810) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect, node: v20.16.0, js-controller: 6.0.11
2024-09-27 15:06:03.270 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Login sucessfull. Trying to catch token...
2024-09-27 15:06:03.698 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found 3 device(s).
2024-09-27 15:06:04.096 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found file: SIEMENS-HB876G8S6-68A40E10F18F_DeviceDescription.xml
2024-09-27 15:06:04.120 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found file: SIEMENS-HB876G8S6-68A40E10F18F_FeatureMapping.xml
2024-09-27 15:06:04.610 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found file: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE_DeviceDescription.xml
2024-09-27 15:06:04.612 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found file: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE_FeatureMapping.xml
2024-09-27 15:06:04.894 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found file: SIEMENS-TI9558X1DE-68A40E7DD334_FeatureMapping.xml
2024-09-27 15:06:04.900 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Found file: SIEMENS-TI9558X1DE-68A40E7DD334_DeviceDescription.xml
2024-09-27 15:06:10.083 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Adapter started successfully
2024-09-27 15:06:10.174 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:06:22.368 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) DISCONNECTED: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE
2024-09-27 15:06:23.109 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE/programs/active/options: HomeAppliance is offline.
2024-09-27 15:07:05.705 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) CONNECTED: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE
2024-09-27 15:07:09.875 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE/programs/active: There is no program active.
2024-09-27 15:07:10.161 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:08:10.148 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:09:10.250 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) DISCONNECTED: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE
2024-09-27 15:09:10.551 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:09:11.775 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE/programs/active/options: HomeAppliance is offline.
2024-09-27 15:10:10.234 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:10:11.018 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) CONNECTED: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE
2024-09-27 15:10:12.427 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE/programs/active: There is no program active.
2024-09-27 15:11:10.148 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:11:17.255 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Kommunikationsfehler 504 bei Service /ro/allMandatoryValues
2024-09-27 15:12:10.090 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-TI9558X1DE-68A40E7DD334: Error: WebSocket was closed before the connection was established
2024-09-27 15:12:10.200 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (24521) Connection error for device SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE: Error: Unexpected server response: 404
2024-09-27 15:12:12.232 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) DISCONNECTED: SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE
2024-09-27 15:12:13.578 - info: homeconnect.0 (841) SIEMENS-SX858D06PE-68A40E107DFE/programs/active/options: HomeAppliance is offline.
Ich habe dann den homeconnect Adapter gestoppt. Aber die Fehlermeldungen kommen immer wieder.
Dann habe ich mal die Homeconnet-App gestartet. Alle 3 Geräte hatten keine Verbindung. Das heißt ich konnte über die App kein Gerät einschalten. Habe dann die Kaffeemaschine eingeschaltet und deinen Adapter gestoppt und in der App wurde "An" angezeigt und die anderen Geräte auf "Standby".
Könnte es sein, dass es zu den Geräten immer nur eine Verbindung geben darf? Die Geräte sind ja immer mit der Cloud verbunden.
Ich habe zwar den Adapter neu installiert aber vermute, du hast nichts geädert. Deshalb kein Log.
Achso. Wenn die Instanz des Adapters läuft, komme ich nicht mehr in den Tab Instanzen rein. es kommt die Meldung: Cannot read instances!
Ich muss dann den Adapter löschen.
@Bongo2 Ähm, also ja, wenn der "normale" Homeconnect Adapter zusätzlich läuft, will ich nicht ausschließen, dass sich das gegenseitig stört. Als ich das letzte Mal die App verwendet habe, hat beides funktioniert, kann aber sein, dass die App zwischenzeitlich dahingehend aktualisiert wurde. Keine Ahnung. Die Fehlermeldungen betreffen ja aber nur den SX858D06PE und das sagte ich oben. Die anderen Geräten müssten es tun, zumindest laut log. Und wie ich auch schon sagte, ein Debug-Log ist immer gut, egal ob etwas geändert wurde oder nicht. Vielleicht kann man daran etwas erkennen, denn der SX858D06PE bricht ja u.U. nicht immer mit der gleichen Meldung ab...
@JWdeBokx Would you please also try the communication of the adapter communicates with your device? Perhaps it's easier first to find errors by only one device.
I will after diner, have to cook a meal now...
@JWdeBokx No stress, I'll go for weekend now and will look next week I think. Hopefully you have good news :-)
Auch bei TI9558X1DE Kaffemaschine gibt es teilweise errors. Standardmäßig ist in der App bei der Kaffeemaschine und Backofen auf "Standby" und der Geschirrspüler auf "Aus". Habe beim Starten des Adapters die App beobachtet. Beim SX858D06PE Geschirrspüler spingt der Status zwischen "Aus", "Verbinden" und "Keine Verbindung" hin und her. Nach einer bestimmten Zeit wird wieder der Standart angezeigt. Trotzdem kommen im Log die errors:
@eifel-tech Have a nice weekend. I will try things out let you know!
Thanks for the good work!
Gibt es hier neue Erkenntnisse? Soll ich noch etwas testen?
Du kannst gerne mal die neuste Version ausprobieren, aber nein, ich habe mich die Woche nicht weiter darum gekümmert. Ich möchte auch ehrlich gesagt erstmal auf Rückmeldung von @JWdeBokx warten, weil es für mich wesentlich einfacher ist, erstmal ein Gerät zum Laufen zu bringen. Danach kann man sich um "mehr" Geräte kümmern. Sonst kommt man beim Lesen des Log schnell durcheinander ;-)
We had prolems with the heating here, it's fixed now. So I will test it soon now.
Bit fiddling, and controling with the app on my phone. But in the logging also my phone was logged. So turned the app of again so no loggins from my phone are recorded now.
Just tried from standby to on and back to standby. This is working!
Then an error and restart of the instance
Also tried with the timer. Set a timer in the app, value is readed ok. But then again crashed... homeconnect.log
Then set the timer. Value send ok, Also set in the oven! So sending receiving is working!! Then the crash again...
@JWdeBokx Thanks for your tests, but I was a bit confused. Have installed the newest version of adapter? In your log are entries that shouldn't be logged any more. Can you retry with the actual version please?
Indeed it was not updated.... Now it is.. Config was empty again?
First just started and waited, after a while an error is logged:
Setting timer is working: homeconnect.log
Power on and back to standby also working: homeconnect.log
But after a while the error comes back:
host.IOBroker | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.889 | error | instance system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) -- | -- | -- | -- cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.280 | warn | Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.276 | info | terminating cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.275 | debug | Closing socket connection gracefully to NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705 cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.266 | error | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'log') cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.265 | error | TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'log') at Timeout.reconnect [as _onTimeout] (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect/js/Socket.js:41:14) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:581:17) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:519:7) cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:34.263 | error | uncaught exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'log') cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.264 | debug | Unplausibler Wert wurde empfangen (5003): Invalid JSON format ; Wert: s&�#9ȃbj7z��0,"msgID":3053046230,"resource":"/ei/initialValues","version":2,"action":"POST","data":[{"edMsgID":3186916612}]} cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.263 | debug | NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705: {"code":5003,"info":"Invalid JSON format","resource":"s&�\u001d#9\u0001ȃbj7z��\u00120,\"msgID\":3053046230,\"resource\":\"/ei/initialValues\",\"version\":2,\"action\":\"POST\",\"data\":[{\"edMsgID\":3186916612}]}"} cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.263 | debug | pad length: 16 cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.262 | debug | 73268b1d233901c883626a377af4f812302c226d73674944223a333035333034363233302c227265736f75726365223a222f65692f696e697469616c56616c756573222c2276657273696f6e223a322c22616374696f6e223a22504f5354222c2264617461223a5b7b2265644d73674944223a333138363931363631327d5d7d0070639ad521ea8be5bc60edd7c0b010 cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.262 | debug | decrypted as bytes: cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.262 | debug | decrypted msg: cyaLHSM5AciDYmo3evT4EjAsIm1zZ0lEIjozMDUzMDQ2MjMwLCJyZXNvdXJjZSI6Ii9laS9pbml0aWFsVmFsdWVzIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MiwiYWN0aW9uIjoiUE9TVCIsImRhdGEiOlt7ImVkTXNnSUQiOjMxODY5MTY2MTJ9XX0AcGOa1SHqi+W8YO3XwLAQ cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.261 | debug | 5308ca3ed0ef32ea9b12e467d988ed4ad50c7c66449cc924964a52017f4711fd440c6b370110c58b3e1c8f5499de254223dd844a5757b608d898f536328b73c8fb446433050b291a856875bd97c625dd7b649191027f087bb392180b36a98e0bb1e2f3db79a7790c3f45d85a71a4f3f526ca98d9a7ba0f1fe476a2cbeb4c13e69072a31db0c1ca77ab7efbf293e65a04d8da28abb76b07e22153d0af19cc2459 cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.260 | debug | recieved msg: cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.260 | debug | ---------------- Starting decryption ----------------------- cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.252 | debug | Connection to device NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705 established. cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.232 | debug | Try to (re)connect to device NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705 cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-10 12:38:23.231 | debug | Reconnection initialised after timeout to NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705@JWdeBokx I'm sorry, but the log is not from version 1.2.0 again. The part "Reconnection initialised after timeout to" isn't included in the code anymore but is printed in your log. Would you check it again please? And note the changelog for 1.2.0
hmmm did the update from de cmdline... I will try again..
well.... iobroker at first didn't want to install the adapter, but now it's there again. Indeed version 1.2.0.
I started, deleted the general and config and restarted, then copied the config and restarted... But a lot of errors.. after start, it stops again...
With "then copied the config" you hopefully don't mean you inserted the old config? It seems that there aren't entries into the config it needs eg. enumber
, mac
and serialnumber
. The only thing you should change inside the DP if necessary is host
where you can write the IP of your device.
The last entries in your log ("get state error: Connection is closed") comes from iobroker, don't know what it means.
the config I mean is the object info.config json in info branch of the homeconnect. After first start always the
cloudless-homeconnect.0 | 2024-10-11 09:43:01.202 | error | JSON in info.config nicht valide. Bitte Adapterkonfiguration checken und Inhalt löschen. -- | -- | -- | --`
is in the log, and then I copy the saved json with indeed name, id, host and features elements into it.
Yes, in most cases that is correct. But with version 1.2.0 there were more parameters added, so it's necessary to recreate the config (Breaking change). Please don't replace the content with your saved json this one time. Let the adapter generate a new one:
The problem is the info.config after starting is empty ( just [] ) If I only fill the host with ipaddress, after start the info.config is empty again...
If you delete the content and then start the adapter, it's empty again? Is your iobroker connected to internet? What shows the log?
I deleted the instance, deleted the objects and created the instance again. Filled in the userid and password and started the instance:
info.config is empty.
Filled it with host and ipaddress:
[ { "host": "" } ]
start the instance:
then info.config is empty again...
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"missing or invalid request parameters"}
Did you configured the right username and password (the same as in homeconnect app) in the adapter instance? Please check this fist. If homeconnect don't have any problems now, that must work.
Of course only [ { "host": "" } ]
isn't correct. The old json is more right than only the host ;-) But there will be missing things.
If you checked the credentials and it still won't create a new config, you can try following:
Stop the adapter
Open your old copied config in a texteditor.
"mac": "",
"enumber": "",
"serialnumber": "",
between id
and host
Save it and paste the whole json into DP info.config
Start the adapter
Checked the login, it's oke.
Again the empty info.config.
Now the 3 items added, and now it's working agin!
Until now no more errors!!
I will test further later today!
THis is great, you are a genieus with these things!
@Bongo2 Inzwischen hat sich am Adapter ein bisschen was verändert, was das Testen mit mehreren Geräten vielleicht etwas vereinfacht. Hast du Lust, noch einmal einen Versuch zu starten? Dann bitte die neuste Version von hier installieren und den Changelog zu Version 1.2.0 beachten. Es gibt jetzt die Möglichkeit, einzelne Geräte von der Überwachung auszuschließen. Siehe hier Insbesondere würde mich interessieren, ob die Verbindung zum Gerät nun stabil bleibt oder nach einer gewissen Zeit, die Pakete wieder nicht richtig entschlüsselt werden können. Bei dir tauchte der Fehler ja relativ schnell auf oder? Oder auch, ob die Verbindung wiederhergestellt werden kann, wenn das Gerät eine gewisse Zeit nicht erreichbar war. Das könnte man provozieren, indem man die Netzwerkverbindung temporär im Router kappen würde. Wäre schön, wenn du ein bisschen rumprobieren könntest, evtl. erstmal mit einem Gerät und wenn da dann keine Auffälligkeiten sind, nach und nach weitere dazu schalten. Wenn aber etwas nicht klappt, bitte wieder Logs :-) Besten Dank schon mal.
@JWdeBokx Same for you. I wonder if the connection can be established again after connection error e.g. network problems etc.
Habe den alten Adapter gelöscht. Dabei wurden auch alle Datenpunkte entfernt. Dann Version 1.2.1 installiert. Beim ersten Start blieb die Instanz beim orangen Warndreieck stehen. Aber keine Fehlermeldung im Log. Dann habe ich auf Debug eingestellt und neu gestertet. Seit einer Stunde ohne Fehler. Viele der Datenpunkte wurden gefüllt. Werde weiter testen aber heute komme ich nicht mehr dazu.
I have installed the adapter, but when creating an instance it stops because a restart loop.
2024-07-27 19:33:42.376 - info: host.IOBroker instance system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 started with pid 1524 2024-07-27 19:33:45.580 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) starting. Version 1.0.4 (non-npm: eifel-tech/ioBroker.cloudless-homeconnect#cb8d28e6d8e4fac6a0839b0e6ac848377de15dce) in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect, node: v20.16.0, js-controller: 5.0.19 2024-07-27 19:33:47.355 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) Login sucessfull. Trying to catch token... 2024-07-27 19:33:47.858 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) Found 1 device(s). 2024-07-27 19:33:48.623 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 2024-07-27 19:33:48.638 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) unhandled promise rejection: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') 2024-07-27 19:33:48.640 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') at joinFeature (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect/js/Xml2JsonConverter.js:17:4) at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect/js/Xml2JsonConverter.js:182:4 at Array.forEach () at Object.xml2json (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect/js/Xml2JsonConverter.js:181:66) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async CloudlessHomeconnect.loadConfig (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect/main.js:364:23) at async CloudlessHomeconnect.onReady (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.cloudless-homeconnect/main.js:87:25) 2024-07-27 19:33:48.640 - error: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') 2024-07-27 19:33:48.663 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) terminating 2024-07-27 19:33:48.665 - warn: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason 2024-07-27 19:33:49.185 - info: cloudless-homeconnect.0 (1524) terminating 2024-07-27 19:33:49.272 - error: host.IOBroker instance system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) 2024-07-27 19:33:49.273 - info: host.IOBroker Restart adapter system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 because enabled 2024-07-27 19:33:49.273 - warn: host.IOBroker Do not restart adapter system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 because restart loop detected 2024-07-27 19:34:39.958 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker del cloudless-homeconnect.0 --debug 2024-07-27 19:34:43.213 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker Delete instance "cloudless-homeconnect.0" 2024-07-27 19:34:43.271 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 1 instances of cloudless-homeconnect.0 2024-07-27 19:34:43.289 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 1 devices of cloudless-homeconnect.0 2024-07-27 19:34:43.304 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 2 channels of cloudless-homeconnect.0 2024-07-27 19:34:43.319 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 8 states of cloudless-homeconnect.0 2024-07-27 19:34:43.336 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 14 states of system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 2024-07-27 19:34:43.358 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 8 states (io.cloudless-homeconnect.0.*) from states 2024-07-27 19:34:43.379 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Counted 5 states (system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0.*) from states 2024-07-27 19:34:44.551 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Deleting 26 object(s). 2024-07-27 19:34:44.898 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker host.IOBroker Deleting 13 state(s). 2024-07-27 19:34:45.004 - info: host.IOBroker object deleted system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0 2024-07-27 19:34:46.123 - info: host.IOBroker iobroker exit 0
My oven is a Neff C27CS22G0 The device is added with a general point. Had a bit tinkering with the hcpy things.
This generated a config.json:
[ { "name": "oven", "host": "NEFF-C27CS22G0-68A40E825705", "key": "7e_lKTx6TlYdCK9EaKE8VQ6oKZbs2RV1Sw91oYac2bc", "iv": "zZl1AHOKIIzSHfns5FBEGA", "description": { "type": "Oven", "brand": "NEFF", "model": "C27CS22G0", "version": "66", "revision": "0" }, "features": { "512": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.AbortProgram", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "false", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "6": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.AcknowledgeEvent", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "15", "refDID": "81" }, "553": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.ApplyFactoryReset", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "554": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.ApplyNetworkReset", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "541": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.DeactivateRemoteControl", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "555": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.DeactivateRemoteControlStart", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "false", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "1": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.DeactivateWiFi", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "560": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.DisallowCustomerServiceConnection", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "537": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.PauseProgram", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "false", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "16": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.RejectEvent", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "true", "refCID": "15", "refDID": "81" }, "546": { "name": "BSH.Common.Command.ResumeProgram", "access": "writeOnly", "available": "false", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "567": { "name": "BSH.Common.Event.AlarmClockElapsed", "handling": "acknowledge", "level": "hint", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Off", "1": "Present", "2": "Confirmed" } }, "559": { "name": "BSH.Common.Event.CustomerServiceRequest", "handling": "none", "level": "hint", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Off", "1": "Present", "2": "Confirmed" } }, "545": { "name": "BSH.Common.Event.ProgramAborted", "handling": "acknowledge", "level": "hint", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Off", "1": "Present", "2": "Confirmed" } }, "540": { "name": "BSH.Common.Event.ProgramFinished", "handling": "acknowledge", "level": "hint", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Off", "1": "Present", "2": "Confirmed" } }, "21": { "name": "BSH.Common.Event.SoftwareUpdateAvailable", "handling": "acknowledge", "level": "hint", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Off", "1": "Present", "2": "Confirmed" } }, "548": { "name": "BSH.Common.Option.Duration" }, "528": { "name": "BSH.Common.Option.ElapsedProgramTime" }, "551": { "name": "BSH.Common.Option.FinishInRelative" }, "542": { "name": "BSH.Common.Option.ProgramProgress" }, "544": { "name": "BSH.Common.Option.RemainingProgramTime" }, "558": { "name": "BSH.Common.Option.StartInRelative" }, "256": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.ActiveProgram" }, "261": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.CommandList" }, "260": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.EventList" }, "262": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.OptionList" }, "263": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.ProgramGroup" }, "264": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.ProtectionPort" }, "257": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.SelectedProgram" }, "259": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.SettingList" }, "258": { "name": "BSH.Common.Root.StatusList" }, "565": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.AlarmClock", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "10", "refDID": "82" }, "3": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.AllowBackendConnection", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "514": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.AllowConsumerInsights", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "520": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.ApplianceDateTime", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "06", "refDID": "8A" }, "524": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.ChildLock", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "533": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.Language", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "3": "Bg", "6": "Da", "7": "De", "8": "El", "9": "En", "11": "Es", "13": "Et", "14": "Fi", "15": "Fr", "19": "Hr", "20": "Hu", "23": "It", "27": "Lt", "28": "Lv", "32": "Nl", "33": "No", "34": "Pl", "35": "Pt", "37": "Ro", "38": "Ru", "40": "Sl", "43": "Sv", "45": "Tr", "48": "Zh", "51": "Fa" } }, "539": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.PowerState", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "initValue": "2", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "2": "On", "3": "Standby" } }, "547": { "name": "BSH.Common.Setting.SynchronizeWithTimeServer", "access": "readWrite", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "5": { "name": "BSH.Common.Status.BackendConnected", "access": "read", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "557": { "name": "BSH.Common.Status.CustomerServiceConnectionAllowed", "access": "read", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "527": { "name": "BSH.Common.Status.DoorState", "access": "read", "available": "true", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Open", "1": "Closed", "2": "Locked" } }, "532": { "name": "BSH.Common.Status.InteriorIlluminationActive", "access": "read", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "535": { "name": "BSH.Common.Status.LocalControlActive", "access": "read", "available": "true", "refCID": "01", "refDID": "00" }, "552": { "name": "BSH.Common.Status.OperationState", "access": "read", "available": "true", "refCID": "03", "refDID": "80", "values": { "0": "Inactive", "1": "Ready", "2": "DelayedStart", "3": "Run", "4": "Pause", "5": "ActionRequired", "6": "Finished", "7": 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"Present", "2": "Confirmed" } }, "5123": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.FastPreHeat" }, "5122": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.Level" }, "5129": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.PyrolysisLevel" }, "5120": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.SetpointTemperature" }, "5128": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.SubsequentCookingDuration" }, "5127": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.UsedHeatingMode" }, "5126": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Option.Weight" }, "9226": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Cleaning.EasyClean" }, "9217": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Cleaning.Pyrolysis" }, "13050": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.AufbackbroetchenOderBaguetteVorgebacken" }, "13054": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.Backofenkartoffeln" }, "13042": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.Biskuit6Eier" }, "13043": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.Biskuitrolle" }, "13065": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.GansGanz34Kg" }, "13057": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.Hackbraten1Kg" }, "13061": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.HaehnchenGanz" }, "13063": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.Haehnchenkeulen" }, "13045": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.HefekranzOderZopf500G" }, "13044": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.HefeteigBlechkuchenMitTrockenemBelag" }, "13053": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.KartoffelgratinAusRohenKartoffeln" }, "13046": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.KleingebaeckBlaetterteig" }, "13060": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.LammkeuleOhneKnochen" }, "13055": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.LasagneFrisch" }, "13047": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.Muffins1Ebene" }, "13051": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.PizzaMitDuennemBodenTiefgekuehlt1Stueck" }, "13052": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.PommesFritesTiefgekuehlt1Ebene" }, "13059": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.RinderSchmorbraten" }, "13058": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.RoastbeefMedium15Kg" }, "13041": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.RuehrteigSpringOderKastenform" }, "13056": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.SchweinebratenDurchwachsenOhneSchwarte" }, "13048": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.Recommendation.Konv.WeissbrotInKastenform" }, "9727": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.Dish.SubsequentCooking" }, "8227": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.BottomHeating" }, "8216": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.BreadBaking" }, "8233": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.Defrost" }, "8237": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.DoughProving" }, "8236": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.GrillLargeArea" }, "8235": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.GrillSmallArea" }, "8208": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.HotAir" }, "8210": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.HotAirEco" }, "8212": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.HotAirGrilling" }, "8213": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.PizzaSetting" }, "8232": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.SabbathProgramme" }, "8226": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.SlowCook" }, "8234": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.SteamWithSteamSet" }, "8209": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.TopBottomHeating" }, "8211": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.TopBottomHeatingEco" }, "9216": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.Cleaning" }, "9472": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.Dishes" }, "8192": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.HeatingModes" }, "9488": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Bake" }, "9489": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Dessert" }, "9490": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Fish" }, "9491": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Meat" }, "9492": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Poultry" }, "9493": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.SideDish" }, "9494": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Souffle" }, "9495": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Special" }, "9496": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDish.Vegetables" }, "9473": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedDishes" }, "8193": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedHeatingModes" }, "8449": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedMicroCombiModes" }, "8976": { "name": "Cooking.Oven.ProgramGroup.MeatprobeAllowedSteamModes" 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The info config is this:{ "_id": "", "type": "state", "common": { "role": "json", "name": "Device config", "type": "string", "read": true, "write": true, "def": "" }, "native": {}, "from": "system.adapter.cloudless-homeconnect.0", "ts": 1722102563612, "acl": { "object": 1636, "state": 1636, "owner": "system.user.admin", "ownerGroup": "" }, "user": "system.user.admin" }