Closed vonnagy closed 11 years ago
I know about it, but that's all I can tell you. It has something to do with the configuration of the dispatchers / threading behaviour of the mailboxes. Essentially, it appears as though the DefaultLogger
does not reply to InitializeLogger
on line 200 of the LoggingBus
import akka.pattern.ask
// Bantha poodoo here
val response = try Await.result(actor ? InitializeLogger(this), timeout.duration) catch {
case _: TimeoutException ⇒
publish(Warning(logName, this.getClass, "Logger " + name + " did not respond within " + timeout + " to InitializeLogger(bus)"))
Jan, the error that you were seeing with the LoggingBus is not that same that I was seeing. The error associated with this issue is different. the pull request #90 addresses this issue, but not the LoggingBus one. The error you mention still occurs when setting includeSystemAgents: true
I will enter a new issue for the LoggingBus error.
When an application is started the aspects are weaved into the newly created ActorSystem. During that process the AkkaIOStatsdCounterInterface is created which in turn creates a new actor system called "statsd".
At that time the creation of the new system ("statsd") fails when trying to publish a message that "StandardOutLogger started"
Logging.scala line 88
.I believe this is due to the aspects being defined as a singleton, but I am not entirely sure. The exception is given below.