eight04 / Embed-Me

An userscript to embed video, images from links.
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link

(Perhaps!) support for news.ycombinator.com #14

Open realAzazello opened 4 months ago

realAzazello commented 4 months ago

More a 'think about it' than an actual request...

On 'Hacker News' this is how a youtube link looks with script enabled: Capture-05


Would be a nice-to-have to support HN.

Also, I would luv-luv-luv if Embed Me could work with Youtube Link Title and Youtube Peek Preview, such that the original link would not be replaced by the embed - but maintained; that way we can get the benefits of those scripts : Capture-06

the Embed Me embed could appear below the link.

eight04 commented 4 months ago

The main problem is how to find the correct position to insert the video, and the method has to work on all websites.

Currently, the script puts the video inside the link, replacing link content. With this approach, it still often breaks the layout of the website.