eight04 / image-picka

A Firefox/Chrome extension helping you download images.
MIT License
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Check if folder name exists - create a new folder with a different name #259

Closed elvisef closed 3 months ago

elvisef commented 3 years ago

Let's say I have a URL where every link have the same pageTitle. For example: "TEST". And when I am downloading images (from these let's say 10 sub-urls), all files are in ONE folder.

I would like to have an index number, to each folder.

But is there a way to check if a folder exists, and if YES, just create a new one with the same name + index (or any other text, number, whatever) ?

eight04 commented 3 years ago

But is there a way to check if a folder exists, and if YES, just create a new one with the same name + index (or any other text, number, whatever) ?

Nope. Extensions have no access to the file system.

eight04 commented 3 years ago

However, if you batch download these images, you can change the filename pattern to something like

${pageTitle} ${index}/${name}${ext}

so those images will be put in different folders.