Worldclim values are stored in their native form in CouchDB (e.g., temperatures are given as degrees times 10). Convert these values server-side to standard SI units and make them accessible directly through these converted units in memcache.
The conversions are:
Temperatures: divide by 10 for degrees Celsius
Altitude: no change, already in m
Precipitation: no change, already in mm
Bio1: Annual Mean Temperature, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio2: Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)), divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio3: Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100), this is a percent, divide by 100 for unitless result
Bio4: Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100), divide 100 for degrees Celsius
Bio5: Max Temperature of Warmest Month, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio6: Min Temperature of Coldest Month, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio7: Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6), divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio8: Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio9: Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio10: Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio11: Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius
Bio12: Annual Precipitation, no change, already in mm
Bio13: Precipitation of Wettest Month, no change, already in mm
Bio14: Precipitation of Driest Month, no change, already in mm
Bio15: Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation), no change, unitless
Bio16: Precipitation of Wettest Quarter, no change, already in mm
Bio17: Precipitation of Driest Quarter, no change, already in mm
Bio18: Precipitation of Warmest Quarter, no change, already in mm
Bio19: Precipitation of Coldest Quarter, no change, already in mm
Worldclim values are stored in their native form in CouchDB (e.g., temperatures are given as degrees times 10). Convert these values server-side to standard SI units and make them accessible directly through these converted units in memcache.
The conversions are: Temperatures: divide by 10 for degrees Celsius Altitude: no change, already in m Precipitation: no change, already in mm Bio1: Annual Mean Temperature, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio2: Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)), divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio3: Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100), this is a percent, divide by 100 for unitless result Bio4: Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100), divide 100 for degrees Celsius Bio5: Max Temperature of Warmest Month, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio6: Min Temperature of Coldest Month, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio7: Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6), divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio8: Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio9: Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio10: Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio11: Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter, divide 10 for degrees Celsius Bio12: Annual Precipitation, no change, already in mm Bio13: Precipitation of Wettest Month, no change, already in mm Bio14: Precipitation of Driest Month, no change, already in mm Bio15: Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation), no change, unitless Bio16: Precipitation of Wettest Quarter, no change, already in mm Bio17: Precipitation of Driest Quarter, no change, already in mm Bio18: Precipitation of Warmest Quarter, no change, already in mm Bio19: Precipitation of Coldest Quarter, no change, already in mm