eigilnikolajsen / commit-mono

Commit Mono is an anonymous and neutral programming typeface.
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Alternate `g` not working consistently #35

Closed rajadain closed 10 months ago

rajadain commented 10 months ago

I downloaded Commit Mono (thank you for making this, it's my new favorite font!) with the alternative (single-story) g, as so:


However, it doesn't work consistently. It seems to be triggered via a ligature-like behavior, where it only shows up in certain pairings, rather than replacing the character in the downloaded font, which is seemingly done with the dotted 0, and the 6 and 9 characters. In some cases (e.g. Sublime Text), it never works. In others (e.g. Chrome), it works unexpectedly, for example:


Can the g be changed to behave like the 0, 6, and 9 characters please? Thank you.

This may be related to #25.

eigilnikolajsen commented 10 months ago

That's some odd behaviour. I will fix it asap, thank you for posting!

eigilnikolajsen commented 10 months ago

Hello @rajadain, I tried to reproduce the issue but unsuccessfully. Can you provide a bit more detail to how I can reproduce it? Also, can you please upload your font files here, so I can check them?

rajadain commented 10 months ago

Here's the files I'm using: CommitMono-lig-w500-h125-altG60It.zip

I went with ligatures and arrows on, weight 500, height 1.25, and alts for G, 6/9, dotted 0, and the italics.

I'm just using the fonts in VS Code and iTerm2. In Chrome I also use Stylus to change CSS styles for GitHub, which is basically this:

  pre, code, tt, kbd:not(.badmono), samp, .blob-code, .file-data pre, .line-data,
  #gist-form .file .input textarea, .blob-code-inner, .react-code-text, .jujkut, .input-monospace,
  #read-only-cursor-text-area {
    font-family: "CommitMono-lig-w500-h125-altG60It", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace !important;
    font-feature-settings: normal !important;
    font-variant-ligatures: normal !important;
    font-size: 14px !important;

Thank you for looking in to this!

eigilnikolajsen commented 10 months ago

This should be fixed in version 1.135!

rajadain commented 10 months ago

Thank you so much for taking care of this!!!