eikek / docspell

Assist in organizing your piles of documents, resulting from scanners, e-mails and other sources with miminal effort.
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Question about Best Practices #1414

Open mirisbowring opened 2 years ago

mirisbowring commented 2 years ago


I am in the Process of the migration from paperless-ng to docspell. At the same time, i am onboarding my family to the digitizing process. Therefore i have some conceptual questions on how i should use / setup docspell.

My Family

Let's define some generic people and a sample age for easier user story definition. We have:

person nick fictional age
Me nerd 26
My Grandma granny1 70
My Dad dad1 50
My Mom mom1 49
My Wife wife 25
boy child1 13
girl child2 5
My Wife's Dad dad2 44
My Wife's Mom mom2 52
My Wife's Grandma (from mother) granny2 80
My Wife's Grandpa (from mother) grampa1 90
My Wife's Grandma (from dad) granny3 67
My Wife's Grandpa (from dad) grampa2 74
My Sister sis 22
My Wife's brother bro 16
My Sister's friend sisbro 23


A) Collective for every Pair (no children)

Collective 1

Collective 2

Collective 3

Collective 4 ...

B) One Big Collective with Folder ACL

Collective Collective/ ├─ nerd (nerd,wife)/ ├─ nerd private (nerd)/ ├─ wife (nerd,wife)/ ├─ wife private (wife)/ ├─ child1 (nerd,wife,child)/ ├─ child1 private (child1)/ ├─ child2 (nerd, wife,child2)/ ├─ child2 private (child2)/ ├─ sis (sis,sisbro)/ ├─ sis (sis)/ ...


Regarding A)

QA1: Children Support

Granny1 is old and "alone" (no partner anymore) and need's support from it's children (dad1,mom1) with managing insurances, etc. Granny1 is uploading all letters she receives. How can dad1 or mom1 support her?

QA2: Children Support Future

Granny 2 still has a partner but grampa1 is getting old. They will soon need support from their children (dad2,mom2) who are living in another city many miles away.

QA3: Should child1/2 be in the same collection as their parents?

Parent's would've to make sure, that no "sensitve" documents are placed in Collective root

QA4: Relates to QB1 - What if Child1 becomes mature, get's a partner and moves?

Should one migrate all Data from Collective1 that relates child1 to the new Collective? -> could be really time consuming (and how to make sure that really every related document and not too many documents are beeing transfered)?

Regarding B)

QB1: Deny Access for parents with 18?

child1 is legally mature in 5 Years and will probably move to another place (probably with a partner -> see sis example).

QB2: Can i/we ensure, that no important documents are beeing placed in Collective root?

QB3: Wich documents should remain in collective root (if any)

QB4: Relates to #1409 - how to prevent that someone changes collective settings to gain access to another folder?

Possible Answers

Regarding A)

AA1/AA2: Create a mom1/2 and dad1/2 user on granny1/2 collective

BUT: Should moms and dads see all document's (placed in collective's root)?

AA3: Alternatively, the child could get a own Collective on "birth" and the parents remove their accounts with childs 18th birthday

Regarding B)

AB1: would be "relatively easy"

Special Case

Imagine a multigenerational house. E.X. granny1, mom1, dad1, wife, nerd, child1, child2 are living in a multigenerational house (not sure if this is the correct wording in english)... They would have documents in common regarding their real estate like insurances, costs (electricity, internet, water, waste, ...) In Setup A they would need to create a new Collective. In Setup B they would just create an additional Folder. Or should they create a B Like Collective for the multigenerational house and the others should have Setup A?

Sum up

You see, that there are many possibilities. Setup A sounds "clean" but can produce much overhead since many People would have to manage multiple Users (one in different collectives) -> not so user friendly.

How are you managing your Documents with Docspell?

madduck commented 1 year ago

I think the only real solution is to get rid of hierarchical thinking. It needs to be possible for users and documents to belong to more than one group, but this is harder than it sounds to get right. See #585.