eileenmcnaughton / nz.co.fuzion.omnipaymultiprocessor

Omnipay Multi Processor Payment Processor For CiviCRM
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mollie test-payment fails with php warning #141

Closed rdozijn closed 4 years ago

rdozijn commented 4 years ago

I am using civicrm 5.18.3. with wordpress. I am trying to get mollie payments working. The version of the omnipay plugin is

Omnipay multiprocessor support (nz.co.fuzion.omnipaymultiprocessor) version 3.8

When I register for an event and do a test payment (I checked 'paid' in the list of statuses) I get a screen that is white and contains the message

Warning: Class __PHP_Incomplete_Class has no unserializer in /home/myuser/public_html/civicrm-nw/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm.php on line 361

Warning: session_start(): Failed to decode session object. Session has been destroyed in /home/myuser/public_html/civicrm-nw/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm.php on line 361

No mail is received and no registration appears in the dashboard. Also no thankyou screen is showed.

When I register for the event and do a real payment I get the white screen without the warning, a mail is received and the registration appears in the dashboard, but again no thankyou/confirmation screen.

The url of the white screen is


...which looks like the result of getNotifyUrl(). Is it normal the payment process stops here? Is this a configuration issue at my side or is this not the expected behaviour?

I would gladly provide more information if that helps understanding what is going on.

eileenmcnaughton commented 4 years ago

@magnolia61 you use Mollie - are you able to shed any light here

magnolia61 commented 4 years ago

Glad to get in touch, will do

rdozijn commented 4 years ago

I just found out that test payments do result in a confirmation email (they were in the spam folder :( ). Moreover, they are registered, only they do not show up in the dashboad; this was the case in older version, which made me take a wrong conclusing. I read somewhere they can be showed using the contribution/particiapant search and by checking 'is a test'. This is a problem less.

In any case, the mentioned white screen is showed. And exactly that is what bothers us. I can imagine this is too little information for you, or are you able to reproduce this behaviour? Do you need more info?

rdozijn commented 4 years ago

I just upgraded civicrm to 5.19.3. The behaviour is not changed: after doing a (test) payment with status paid, I get a whit screen with the url ending with civicrm/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fpayment%2Fipn%2F107%2F4 . I have not yet received the confirmation email, but that can be a bit delayed with test payments. I know I am very close to being able to use the mollie payment module in my site. I hope you can shine some light on this last obstacle.

I saw in the extension overview that I have installed the omnipay multiprocessor support version 3.8 and the overview mentioned that it is compatible with 5.17. I remember to have tried 5.17 with the same problems. Was it a bad idea to upgrade to 5.19?

magnolia61 commented 4 years ago

Hello Ruud, we've got Mollie working with omnipay out of the box for a few years now. Please find me on chat.civicrm.org to get in touch. My username is magnolia61 over there.

rdozijn commented 4 years ago

It looks like a misconfiguration in the mollie parameters. Most probably not a civicrm issue.