eileenmcnaughton / org.wikimedia.geocoder

Geocoder for CiviCRM
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provider for German postal codes (replaces #36) #38

Closed sebalis closed 11 months ago

sebalis commented 11 months ago

Hi again,

PR #36 has been dormant for a long time. @Detsieber and I co-administrate a CiviCRM instance where this provider is required and therefore installed as a local patch. With Detlev’s permission I have slightly reworked his PR by eliminating a commit that should have been avoided by rebasing, and by some changes to the readme file. It would be great if we could get back on the current track by having this PR included, and we asssume/hope that other German CiviCRM instances would benefit from it too. The old PR #36 could then be closed. Thanks!