einaregilsson / beanstalk-deploy

GitHub action (and command line script) to deploy apps to Elastic Beanstalk
MIT License
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Windows support? #90

Open ssippe opened 2 years ago

ssippe commented 2 years ago


Will this run on runs-on: windows-latest?


SpoonOfDoom commented 1 year ago

Just so that it's documented, yes it will. I've been using it on windows-latest until very recently.

malthew commented 5 months ago

Simply changing runs-on: ubuntu-latest to runs-on: windows-latest will cause an error during the 'Generate deployment package' step for me.

What should that part look like when running on windows-latest?

SpoonOfDoom commented 3 months ago

Simply changing runs-on: ubuntu-latest to runs-on: windows-latest will cause an error during the 'Generate deployment package' step for me.

What should that part look like when running on windows-latest?

Well that sounds like it doesn't really have to do with this beanstalk deploy action rather than another step you made yourself? Try and make sure that your zip file is created properly, and that you use the correct cli command for creating the package. Without seeing your actual workflow, it's hard to give any more detailed answer than that.

For what it's worth, for me the difference looked like this:

# Linux
- name: Zip it
  working-directory: ./publish_directory
  run: zip -r ../deploy.zip .
# Windows
- name: Zip it
  run: Compress-Archive -Path publish_directory/* -DestinationPath deploy.zip