einari / Machine.Specifications.Core

.NET Core version of Machine.Specifications
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Heads up: I am working on implementing a test runner for "dotnet test" in a branch in my fork #8

Open ivanz opened 8 years ago

ivanz commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I have forked this repo with two goals:

1) Implement a dotnet test runner 2) Port the original MSpec test suite to the .Net Core version

I use MSpec in almost all my projects and am fairly familiar with its internals having implemented the latest version of the original Visual Studio/VsTest/Visual Studio Team Services runner and the TeamCity Parallel runner, so fingers crossed

ivanz commented 8 years ago

I ended up creating a separate repository for the dotnet test runner of which I have v0.1 ready which is very basic, but can run the tests here: https://github.com/ivanz/dotnet-test-mspec


holytshirt commented 8 years ago

@ivanz will give this a go as we are porting https://github.com/iancooper/Paramore to dotnetcore and have all our tests in mspec

ivanz commented 8 years ago

@holytshirt It's very basic currently, but runs all tests in an assembly OK. The main goal for this verison was to bootstrap the MSpec tests in MSpec :). Just FYI I am in the early stage process of porting back the "machine.specification.core" changes to the main Machine.Specifications repo with the idea to publish Machine.Specifications 0.10.0 release which adds .Net Standard and .Net Core as supported targets. Once that's done - my hope is to potentially port and adapt the existing MSpec console runner to "dotnet test".