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Inconsistent results when scanning sophos.com MXs #15

Open quiffhanger opened 9 years ago

quiffhanger commented 9 years ago

Hi Guys,

Per asked me to post this.

We've had a few problems scanning sophos.com - despite double & triple checking that we have an identical config across all our mailservers we get different results, with some of the hosts incorrectly reporting as having expired SSL certs.

Verifying manually with "openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect mx1.sophos.com:25" confirmed that the certs are OK.

Per Thorsheim encouraged me to report this and has now refreshed things so that it's looking consistent.



quiffhanger commented 9 years ago

Just as an FYI - starttls.info is again displaying incorrect results for Sophos.com MXs.