eingruenesbeb / Yolo

This plugin facilitates auto-banning people from hardcore servers, with the ability to specify exceptions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

[Suggestion] - a short description/title #1

Closed TecoChN closed 1 year ago

TecoChN commented 1 year ago

Sry, wollte nur fragen ob es möglich wäre auch totem usages damit anzeigen zu lassen weil ein totem use auch ein tod ist MfG Teco C[h] N

eingruenesbeb commented 1 year ago

Please keep everything in english here and use the template correctly.

TecoChN commented 1 year ago

Please keep everything in english here and use the template correctly.

Ok i will sowwy, I did it to fast, my bad. Will rewrite it again. As mentioned earlier I send it to early before i could read anything. I will delete it in 1 min or so if i can

TecoChN commented 1 year ago

I cant delete it. Can u please delete it if possible or will it be here for ever to have something to make fun? Teco C[h] N