einstein95 / crunchy-xml-decoder

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Another region restriction problem? #40

Closed TheTroubledErick closed 8 years ago

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

As you can see from this screen, I'm not able to download the subtitles from the series "Himouto! Umaru-chan". issue

Both "Himouto! Umaru-chan" and "MY love STORY!!", are available for free in my country (Italy). I have an account but it's not a premium one, I don't think that's the problem tho, I've always been able to download subtitles making cookies from it with your program.

Here you can find my debug.html: https://mega.nz/#!tg0w2RQL!4Q02MTzo2dJ79kUJI74-QNUqiWjQKg5DaHutnOJ3enc

The only difference I can notice is that most (if not all) of the subtitles I downloaded in the past (like "My love STORY!!") came from series with many languages available, where this Umaru-chan only shows the italian sub (even if the english one clearly exist 'cause I found it here http://9xbuddy.com/download?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.crunchyroll.com%2Fhimouto-umaru-chan%2Fepisode-1-umaru-and-onii-chan-682801)

I'm not too skilled in this area but I'll try to be as helpful as possible to try making you fix this issue. o7

p.s. Thank you very much for your amazing work :)

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

hello thank for the post a new option in settings.ini has been added forceusa this option turn on internal option please try it out and see what happen

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

It seems it let me download successfully the english version of the subtitles, which was previously not possible tho, but I need the Italian one (rereading my previous post probably it was not that clear ^^")

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

While waiting for your help with the italian sub, I noticed that a new "repacked" version of the program is out. After trying it, it was not possible to type in any character when you're required to insert the password.

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

don't worry the password are typing but hidden anther thing this series "Himouto! Umaru-chan" his page is weird when i tried to played it only give me Arabic subtitle (i live in Jordan) and with proxy it only give me English subtitle, maybe they try new code for the serise

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

I see. Ty. From a user point of view, in my opinion, it's not really intuitive, and now you can't even use the right click to paste anything (without using the dos QuickEdit Mode). Anyway my problem persist, but this time, with this new version, while trying to download the umaru series subs, the program tells me that I have not a premium account and it stops working. While testing on old series give me the same message, but it's followed, right after, by the creation of all the .ass files. Isn't it possible to do something similar to "forceusa" for my country? To use a forced italian session ID or something? Because I have free access to that streaming using my browser, so the files (vid and sub) are there for free. Is it possibile that the program is acting like I'm not from Italy? I'm sorry if I'm saying something stupid, but keep in mind that my knowledge about those things is quite scarce ^^"

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

Ok 1st. You can right click title bar>edit>past or run crunchy-xml-decoder.bat 2nd. Are you free user? If not then there is problem with input or the code foe cookies generation 3rd. Forceusa is more and less proxy method, so what the point to make it look like you live in italy if you who live in italy cant play the video?

As i said this series is weird normaly if you play ani video at crunchy if you right click the video a list with all subtitle show, but this series only show arabic for me and with proxy english only, i did not check other languge but maybe you cant play at any of erupian countries

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago
  1. Oops. (ಠ▃ಠ)"
  2. I'm a free user.
  3. I, who live in Italy, CAN play the video, using my browser I can both access to video and italian subtitles. immagine

This is why I thought of forcing the italian ID, maybe the program, for some odd reason, behave like I'm not from Italy 乁[◕˵ - ˵◕]ㄏ

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

will this is bad that mean that crunchy working on new code

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

i want to check something altfuncs.txt rename this file from altfuncs.txt to altfuncs.py and replace the one in crunchy-xml-decoder (the one with ultimate.py and try it out with out proxy don't forget to generate cookies

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

Result: debug: https://mega.nz/#!g8UTzK5b!Jhsm9u6HGQX9vhN85eQ6bclKYvfVgNM6lLkMvnRQmuA immagine

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

ok i tried to add location to the cookies file try this one altfuncs.txt rename this file from altfuncs.txt to altfuncs.py and replace the one in crunchy-xml-decoder (the one with ultimate.py and try it out with out proxy note: this not the final solution put to try it out

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

٩(⚙ᴗ⚙)۶ ... Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ It worked!1!!1!! \(⌒∇⌒)/

Thank you very much!

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

that good and all but we need to fix the problem

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

Tell me what I can do to help you.

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

As far as I understood you changed the c_locale to italian when not forceusa, so basically my previously generated cookies were wrong about my default language (?). Was it something like this? If so couldn't you implement a similar change for any language forcing the cookies to utilize the OS language? Not sure if possibile and anyway it would be a workaround, but probably it's easy to add.

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

yes and no the login function in the code don't save c_locale in cookies (it's for location) and the "Himouto! Umaru-chan" show page need that value, it only show the subtitle of your language and the default is us and you live in Italy (for example in page of the show if you change the localization for English (us) it will show that you cant play the video)

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

But you forced that value letting me download my italian subtitles, no? Even if the login function can't handle that. So you just need to know what language the user need (not what the cookies think the default is) and make the program "force" that language into the cookies. Wouldn't be enough?

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

sorry adriannx i cant understand you TheTroubledErick, i want you to try this in the download crunchy-xml-decoder (with original the altfuncs.py) try to add ?locale=itIT to the link like this:http://www.crunchyroll.com/himouto-umaru-chan/episode-1-umaru-and-onii-chan-682801?locale=itIT and try to download(there is no need to continue just start it and see if it begin to download or not)

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

Tried on the version of the program without the modified .py you gave me and it says downloaded, but the export folder is empty. This time the attempt to decrypt subtitles is missing. immagine

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

hmm, ok then this method is not working i will try make it work with desired subtitle language

alzamer2 commented 8 years ago

ok check out repository i update the code try it out don't forget to enable the cookie localize option in setting (you need to exit and run again he code to reload the settings) einstein95 if you find better way to localize the cookie lets try it out

TheTroubledErick commented 8 years ago

It worked. \\ ٩( ᐛ )و //