einstein95 / crunchy-xml-decoder

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Unable to Download #94

Open albogango opened 7 years ago

albogango commented 7 years ago

I don't know that I'm the only one experiencing this, but I'm only able to download the newest videos for a short amount of time (1-2 days), before I receive this error:

"TypeError: expected string or buffer"

Please let me know if there a way to bypass this. I am also a Crunchyroll member, and would prefer to collect the videos.

Thanks in advance.

jsonn commented 7 years ago

Can you provide the full error, e.g. a screenshot please?

albogango commented 7 years ago

Sure thing. Here you go:

screenshot 4

As I said before, funnily enough, I'm able to download a video within a couple of days of its release. In this case, I was able to download DBS just as it was released, but am no longer able to.

Do you have any ideas?

jsonn commented 7 years ago

Are you sure you have an up-to-date copy of the sources? It looks like you are hitting the HLS streams and the support for that is quite recent.

albogango commented 7 years ago

Ah. That would explain it. However, I'm unable to install m3u8. "setup.py" closes as soon as it opens. Some text comes up, but it closes before I can capture it.

jsonn commented 7 years ago

See also #91.

albogango commented 7 years ago

Thank you. I think I'll have to make a new topic. I can't seem to install m3u8.