eirikblekesaune / VTM

VTM - system for Verdensteatret
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Is there a signal for when a connection is made? #87

Open sensestage opened 7 years ago

sensestage commented 7 years ago

E.g. for an MKtl, there are elements, but it doesn't make sense to have actions set if nothing is listening is to it.

this could happen in VTMMapping with a SimpleController - so VTMMapping sets a dependant to query, then query can have an action for setting an action to an underlying implementation.

pchdev commented 7 years ago

in Qt, the system doesn't care if anything is listening to it or not The interesting part could be that if the post-window monitors all the incoming signals in the network, one would be able to catch a specific signal quickly and execute something with it if he thinks that it can be useful or pertinent, just because for example the timing seems right, or the follow-action or signal-chaining is legitimate