eisental / RedstoneChips

A Bukkit plugin for digital redstone integrated circuits
GNU General Public License v3.0
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idea - label option or command for inputs / outputs #45

Open mstram opened 12 years ago

mstram commented 12 years ago

Point at an rc chip, do /rclabel, it then attaches a sign to each input / output with it's pin #

/rclabel [remove] if you want to remove the signs

(I'm attempting to do this with rubyc now) for the "big board"

I was thinking mabye it could be an option when creating a chip, but don't know what the cleanest way to do it would be ("lbl" as the last sign argument ?)

mstram commented 12 years ago

Is it possible to inquire (from rubyc) what a chip's input / output "#" is ?

Or is that info "buried" / "hidden" internally ?

mstram commented 12 years ago

Ok I've gotten to the point where :

1) A selection of blocks have signs applied to them

But I'm stuck figuring out how to use the chip scanner / get the input / output chip numbers

require 'java' import 'org.tal.rubychip.RubyCircuit' import 'org.tal.redstonechips.circuit.RCTypeReceiver'


import 'org.tal.rubychip.RubyCircuit' import 'org.tal.redstonechips.circuit.Circuit' import 'org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent'

################## import 'java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException' import 'java.lang.reflect.Method' import 'java.util.ArrayList' import 'java.util.HashMap' import 'java.util.List' import 'java.util.Map' import 'java.util.logging.Level'

######################### import 'org.bukkit.ChatColor' import 'org.bukkit.Location' import 'org.bukkit.Material' import 'org.bukkit.block.Block' import 'org.bukkit.command.Command' import 'org.bukkit.command.CommandSender' import 'org.bukkit.entity.Player' import 'org.bukkit.material.MaterialData' import 'org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin' import 'org.tal.redstonechips.PrefsManager'

########################################### import 'org.tal.redstonechips.circuit.ChipScanner'

public interface ChipScanner {

public static class ChipScanException extends RuntimeException {

public ChipScanException(String string) {





public ScanParameters scan(ScanParameters params) throws ChipScanException;



class Cuboid2b < RubyCircuit include RCTypeReceiver FACENORTH = 2 #: Facing north (for ladders and signs, attached to the north side of a block) FACESOUTH = 3 FACEWEST = 4 FACEEAST = 5


def init info "Cuboid test." rc.addRCTypeReceiver(circuit.activationBlock, self) true end

def input(idx, state) end

def type(words, player) session = rc.getUserSession(player.name, false)

if session!=nil && session.cuboid!=nil l = session.cuboid l0 = l[0].blockX.to_s + ", " + l[0].blockY.to_s + ", " + l[0].blockZ.to_s l1 = l[1].blockX.to_s + ", " + l[1].blockY.to_s + ", " + l[1].blockZ.to_s

 debug("Cuboid selection: " + l0 + " and " + l1)

 @x = l[0].blockX
 @y = l[0].blockY
 @z = l[0].blockZ

 c = rc.getCircuitManager().getCircuitById('178')
 debug "getCircuitById : c = #{c}"
 rescue Exception
  debug "error on rc.getCircuitManager().getCircuitById(1) error = #{$!}"

 debug  "@x=#{@x} @y=#{@y} @z={@z}"

if l[0].blockZ == l[0].blockZ makeSign("x",l[0].blockZ,l[0].blockX,l[1].blockX,l[0].blockY,FACESOUTH) else makeSign("z",l[0].blockX,l[0].blockZ,l[1].blockZ,l[0].blockY,FACEEAST) end



rescue Exception

debug "error on 'circuit.world.getBlockAt(@x,@y,@z).setTypeId(68)' err=#{$!}"


else debug("No cuboid selected") end end ##########################3 def makeSign(orient,zx,sBlock,eBlock,ypos,dir) if orient == "x" zx +=1 begin (sBlock..eBlock).each {|bpos| circuit.world.getBlockAt(bpos,ypos,zx).setTypeId(WALLSIGN) circuit.world.getBlockAt(bpos,ypos,zx).setData(dir) } rescue Exception debug "(makesign orient = '#{orient}'): error = #{$!}" end else begin (sBlock..eBlock).each {|bpos| circuit.world.getBlockAt(zx,ypos,bpos).setTypeId(WALLSIGN) circuit.world.getBlockAt(zx,ypos,bpos).setData(dir) } rescue Exception debug "(makesign orient = '#{orient}'): error = #{$!}" end end end

