eishay / jvm-serializers

Benchmark comparing serialization libraries on the JVM
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Compile warnings for Jackson #48

Closed cakoose closed 9 years ago

cakoose commented 9 years ago

Not a huge deal, just wanted to bring this to your attention.

src/serializers/jackson/BaseJacksonDataBind.java:24: warning: [deprecation] <W>writerWithType(JavaType) in ObjectMapper has been deprecated
        writer = mapper.writerWithType(type);
  where W is a type-variable:
    W extends ObjectWriter declared in method <W>writerWithType(JavaType)
src/serializers/jackson/JacksonAvroDatabind.java:25: warning: [deprecation] <W>writerWithType(JavaType) in ObjectMapper has been deprecated
        ObjectWriter writer = mapper.writerWithType(type).withSchema(schema);
  where W is a type-variable:
    W extends ObjectWriter declared in method <W>writerWithType(JavaType)
src/serializers/jackson/JacksonAvroDatabind.java:25: warning: [deprecation] withSchema(FormatSchema) in ObjectWriter has been deprecated
        ObjectWriter writer = mapper.writerWithType(type).withSchema(schema);
src/serializers/jackson/JacksonBsonDatabind.java:57: warning: [deprecation] <W>writerWithType(JavaType) in ObjectMapper has been deprecated
        objectWriter = mapper.writerWithType(type);
  where W is a type-variable:
    W extends ObjectWriter declared in method <W>writerWithType(JavaType)
cowtowncoder commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Yeah, I'll clean those up.

hperadin commented 9 years ago

The dependencies for Boon are missing, so the project doesn't build anymore.

src/serializers/json/BoonDatabind.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
import org.boon.json.JsonFactory;
  symbol:   class JsonFactory
  location: package org.boon.json
src/serializers/json/BoonDatabind.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
import org.boon.json.JsonFactory;
cowtowncoder commented 9 years ago

Ouch. I accidentally added that; had no intention of including Boon test (I had one locally). Thank you for reporting this; locally it obviously compiled due to additional jar(s).