The Environment Interface Standard (EIS) is a Java-based interface standard for connecting agents to controllable entities in an environment such as a game. The interface provides support for managing the connection (e.g., for pausing and terminating an environment) and for interaction between agents and entities that are available in an environment (e.g., bots in a game). An agent that is connected to a controllable entity receives percepts from and can send actions to that entity. Percepts inform the agent about the state of the entity and its environment. Actions tell the entity which actions to perform in its environment. Several example implementations of environments are available A default implementation of the EIS interface is also provided.
We would like to have a general and unchecked EIS exception.
This is to handle cases that can occur everywhere, particularly when the environment is suddenly down.
We want an unchecked exception exactly because the problem can occur everywhere, and we don't want to pollute our code with throwing this everywhere.
It seems it would be a solution to have NoEnvironmentException be a RuntimeException