eishub / eis

The Environment Interface Standard (EIS) is a Java-based interface standard for connecting agents to controllable entities in an environment such as a game. The interface provides support for managing the connection (e.g., for pausing and terminating an environment) and for interaction between agents and entities that are available in an environment (e.g., bots in a game). An agent that is connected to a controllable entity receives percepts from and can send actions to that entity. Percepts inform the agent about the state of the entity and its environment. Actions tell the entity which actions to perform in its environment. Several example implementations of environments are available @github.com/eishub. A default implementation of the EIS interface is also provided.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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improve EIS developer documentation #43

Open Wouter1 opened 10 years ago

Wouter1 commented 10 years ago

The javadoc needs some improvement to give a better overview. Maybe we should add some more overview documentation.

For instance, I'm returning a Boolean from EIS2Java. Now where do I find to what EIS.iilang object this boolean is translating? How do I even figure out that this is in the translation package?

Also developers may want to use the bare EIS interface directly. Where is the requirements documentation? How do they know if it's necessary? Are there examples how to do that?

Wouter1 commented 10 years ago

Added notes in the docu on

sharing the jvm

sharing awt

importance of robustness of management functions for small fails in the code,

Wouter1 commented 10 years ago

I see we have a section on translation
