eitcom / pyEIT

Python based toolkit for Electrical Impedance Tomography
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Add PyEITMesh, PyEITProtocol, PyEITAnomaly #47

Closed DavidMetzIMT closed 2 years ago

DavidMetzIMT commented 2 years ago

Hy @liubenyuan,

I added PyEITMesh, PyEITProtocol, PyEITAnomaly. now Forward, EITforward and EITbase are much better, and have less responsabilities, I could move the data checking in the dataclass directly, also by creating some usefull properties we can use them directly in the code and it is more understandable from where the data are coming from (e.g self.mesh.node or self.mesh.n_elems). just for fun I added PyEITAnomaly abc class now your anomaly are based on your shape functions! (in the future you can than implememt more complexe anomaly or with other shape!)

I tested all examples run! I will modify my custom software to use that version of pyEIT (maybe i will found other errors...)