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32 electrodes postion in mesh #87

Closed ccfbeltran closed 1 year ago

ccfbeltran commented 1 year ago

Hi! Im using this code to generate the electrodes in the mesh of lungs. I'm using the 32 electrodes configuration: # plot the mesh, visualize the electrodes locations fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) ax.triplot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], tri, linewidth=1) ax.plot(pts[mesh_obj.el_pos, 0], pts[mesh_obj.el_pos, 1], "ro") for i, el in enumerate(mesh_obj.el_pos): ax.text(pts[el, 0], pts[el, 1], str(i + 1), fontsize=15) ax.axis("equal") ax.axis([-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2])

and having this result : image

is there any problem in my code to generate the good positions? Is there any way to make a better code?

thank you

liubenyuan commented 1 year ago

Hi, the electrodes positions of thorax shape depends on thorax_pfix, which is 16 by default. If you specify 32 electrodes, it will use the first 32 nodes as the electrodes. You could see the thorax_pfix in shape.py for example.

A work around is to specify a user customized thorax_pfix uniformly located at 32 coordinates. You can implement this using the Polygon function to find these locations.