eiz / SynchronousAudioRouter

Low latency application audio routing for Windows
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SAR not working with Reaper + Focusrite + latest Windows Update #48

Open Darko0089 opened 6 years ago

Darko0089 commented 6 years ago

Prior to the latest Windows Update that brought selection of audio device by application, SAR was working perfectly. Since then, Reaper can't output audio with it, and it doesn't detect the interfaces inputs. This is with Focusrite USB 2.0 Audio Driver, for 1st gen Scarlett interfaces.

pannal commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that. I've recently (painfully) rolled back the latest Windows Update because SAR+REAPER didn't work anymore.

rainbowjaw commented 6 years ago

+1 not working. I've been screwing around with a bunch of audio configs and having a hard time... maybe this update is a the root of a lot of issues.

Edit: See #44

zharf commented 6 years ago

I initially had the problem on Windows 10 (pro) version 1803, but removing and re-installing SAR fixed it for me

AKPWebDesign commented 6 years ago

I'm on Windows 10 Insider Fast Ring, so it updates a lot. After every update, it seems that Windows screws something up with the SAR installation, and it needs to be reinstalled. After a reinstall though, everything works fine.

pannal commented 6 years ago

@AKPWebDesign how's the reinstall process? Is it enough to just install it over the current installation, or does it have to be uninstalled -> reboot -> install -> reboot?

AKPWebDesign commented 6 years ago

@pannal Usually just an in-place reinstall works for me (uninstall and reinstall with no reboot). I tried the repair option once and it didn't work, but that might have been a failure somewhere else. Either way, the reboot isn't necessary in my experience, because nothing on the system has been able to actually initialize and use SAR properly thanks to whatever Windows is doing to screw up the install.

pannal commented 6 years ago

@AKPWebDesign OK, interesting. Before I rolled the upgrade back, I had the issue that REAPER was unable to open the ASIO interface - did you experience the same? I feared that ASIO4ALL was also a culprit, besides SAR.

AKPWebDesign commented 6 years ago

@pannal Yeah, that issue (unable to open the ASIO interface) was the reason I tried to reinstall SAR in the first place. I use a Focusrite Scarlett, and REAPER was able to access it directly just fine, but was unable to use SAR until the reinstall.

pannal commented 5 years ago

@AKPWebDesign thanks, I can confirm that 1803 works with SAR, ASIO4ALL and REAPER. An uninstall+reinstall of SAR fixes all issues after upgrading.

What's crucial: to make life easier, disable anything that uses the SAR interfaces on boot, like REAPER in this instance. This makes it easier to just uninstall and reinstall SAR right after the 1803 upgrade.

lamskoy commented 4 years ago

Doesn't work with 4i4 3rd gen too and Reaper

JRTaylorMusic commented 2 years ago

After a thrilling success testing on my own computer (MacBook Pro running Win10 via BootCamp) with an Apollo Twin mkii, I finally gave up trying to implement for a remote client running Win10 with a Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 3rd Gen. REAPER setup seemed to go properly until I tried to apply settings, which generated an "Error initializing ASIO driver" error. I/O list showed correctly in the REAPER Preferences: Device panel, but Audio Channel Naming/Mapping would be empty. Tried reinstalling SAR (as suggested above) but to no avail. I would love to help sort this out because I've not found a better potential solution than SAR.