ejbills / DockDoor

Window peeking for macOS
MIT License
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Feature request: minimized and hidden window previews #31

Open langjacob518 opened 1 week ago

langjacob518 commented 1 week ago

Minimized windows still showing up as "minimized window" instead of actually showing the preview. Using latest version of Sonoma on MBA M2. LOVE the app! If I could get this figured out this would be a staple in my toolkit.

langjacob518 commented 1 week ago

Still having the same issue in 1.0.6 :/

ejbills commented 4 days ago

I have not figured out how to get previews of minimized windows. I will take a look at how to do this.

skynet01 commented 4 days ago

This would be awesome, as most of the time my windows are minimized. What if you take a screenshot of the app right when a minimize action happens?

ShlomoCode commented 3 days ago

I have not figured out how to get previews of minimized windows. I will take a look at how to do this.

alt-tab-macos invested a lot in reverse engineering and discussions and uses (1 -> 2) the CGSHWCaptureWindowList private API to get screenshots of windows (and alt-tab-macos works for minimized/full screen windows too)

p.s. It's your decision, but I would leave only the Dock peek functionality, which has no quality or open source alternative, and forgo a window switcher that already has a stable free open source software that has spent years optimizing and searching for the best and most efficient way, and has dozens of customization options (alt-tab-macos)

langjacob518 commented 2 hours ago

Hey, just curious if you guys are still considering adding a feature to view minimized window previews or not? If not, I totally get it, just want to make sure since the issue was closed and I'm still only seeing the blank minimized view for minimized windows. Love the app, and appreciate you being so responsive and active. Kudos!

ShlomoCode commented 2 hours ago

This issue is not closed, it's open. We just merged some duplicates

langjacob518 commented 2 hours ago

Oh my bad, I'm relatively new to Github. Thanks!