ejci / Chrome-Audio-EQ

Audio EQ for Chrome
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Suggestion, very useful functionality Surround Sound in chrome. #12

Open alexdx-ca opened 9 years ago

alexdx-ca commented 9 years ago

Hi, first of all thanks for a great addon for chrome. I propose you to add a great new functionality to your app. I like to listen music and watch music videos in Chrome. But it sounds very bad, on my 5.1 home theater, in chrome comparing to any mp3 player software like foobar2000, aimp, winamp, itunes etc. The problem is that any stereo audio source is playing only on front speakers. And would be perfect if we can customize it:

  1. Crossover: mix down both channels to mono an cut all above 60-120 Hz depending of subwoofer frequency.
  2. duplicate front stereo to rear channels.
  3. possibility to choose between 2.1 and 4.1 mode (5.1 doesn't make sense in playing music)
  4. possibility to choose crossover frequency or just few presets (Large subwoofer 60HZ, Medium subwoofer 90Hz or 100Hz, Small subwoofer 120 Hz).

I think a lot of users who have a 5.1 surround systems will agree with me. I think it will be also not a problem if this feature will be paid.

PS. Sorry for my bad English

ejci commented 9 years ago

Im not sure if this is even possible with the Audio API... I will look at the documentation

alexdx-ca commented 9 years ago

yes it's possible, I created fork and will try to edit your code myself. But not sure i'll be able to do it properly. Would be good if you will look at my fork after i complete it.

ejci commented 9 years ago

Feel free to create a pull request. I will review it.

alexdx-ca commented 9 years ago

Sorry but i'm not a coder just designer with base knowledge of html css. I just tried but even buttons didn't work :)

alexdx-ca commented 9 years ago

What if i'll give you an idea how it should work and you will write a code?

alexdx-ca commented 9 years ago

I tried, but even my buttons don't work. Sorry but i'm unable to do it. But if you will need some design work to be done, please feel free to ask me.

Thanks, Alex

ejci commented 9 years ago

I understand what you want. The web audio api documentation says it should be possible. I will let you know if I will need design work.