ejci / Chrome-Audio-EQ

Audio EQ for Chrome
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Breaks videos on Google Photos #46

Open jessejoe opened 8 years ago

jessejoe commented 8 years ago

Try watching a public video on Google Photos with the extension enabled - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPIZDBQO3y0gBAFBYfHpudHgY2rbVoHv8UFnf2NGteo5hiQl8c62sTxuB6FnNkngg/photo/AF1QipNWmHqdW8AngGiBsfyRSgw_ankArZQ1ZksByKCt?key=Q1VyYTBBQ2FRRnQ5S2xzUDVoN1RyTEZRWUtEYV93

Most videos almost alway stop playback with an error screen that says "An error occurred. Please try again later.", especially if you try to pause the video. If you disable the extension, this does not happen.

ejci commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I noticed it also but so far didnt get into the details. Will push a fix and new version once I figure it out.

jessejoe commented 8 years ago

This also seems to break videos on Twitter. I often get "this browser does not support video playback", until I disable the extension. Would you like a separate issue for this?

ejci commented 8 years ago

I have a fix for twitter and vimeo. photos.google.com is more tricky but I think I will be able to solve it. stay tuned. If I will not be able to fix photos.google.com I will release at least the rest in two days.

deeperton commented 8 years ago

Still breaks video in Twitter...

Jerdle commented 8 years ago

Still happening on Photos and Twitter :(

ejci commented 7 years ago

Twitter is fixed now (with new release). Google photos are hard nut to crack :/

MatthewScholefield commented 6 years ago

Would it work to just blacklist google photos in the extension manifest?