ejci / Chrome-Audio-EQ

Audio EQ for Chrome
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Extention breaks huge variety of videos from displaying #63

Open malipetek opened 7 years ago

malipetek commented 7 years ago

I had great suffering until I realized this extension is the cause. Extension is very useful but prevents some players to initialize from many websites. Although when I open video link there is no network problem in the source. Please add a warning for your users. I even tried different browser for this issue.

smit3119 commented 7 years ago

It's been a problem for a while. Around a month or so. Dev is aware, and said he would fix it two weekends ago, but I guess he ran into trouble. I hope he can figure it out soon. I use this extension to make Google Music sound better, but I can't browse normally with it enabled. For now, if you activate the extension on the tab you want to use it on, set your settings how you want, then disable the extension, the effects will still be there as long as you keep that tab open. Other tabs will behave as though it is not enabled. I've been using that as a workaround since the trouble started.

DigitalWarrior commented 7 years ago

Breaks https://gfycat.com

oliveratutexas commented 7 years ago

Had the same issue.

PatternRec commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue as well. Disabled the extension until it gets fixed. In case dev needs more examples, it breaks PocketCasts https://play.pocketcasts.com/

forresthopkinsa commented 6 years ago

...still having this issue

MatthewScholefield commented 6 years ago

The website toggl.com also fails to play an autoplay video.