ejetar / laravel-firebird

Use Eloquent and QueryBuilder with a Firebird database 🔥
MIT License
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Hi, need helpt with this #1

Open jfgonzalez-git-col opened 1 year ago

jfgonzalez-git-col commented 1 year ago

hello, I am using this library. All very well is the only one that has worked with my api laravel back end. But the auth/login method returns the uppercase fields I use fb 2.5, which is not possible to use lowercase in tables and fieldsnames. How could I solve it "records": [ { "ID": 1, "LOGIN": "juan", "EMAIL": "juanfergl@gmail.com" } ], "total_records": 1, "record_count": 1, "total_page": 1 }


guilhermeagirardi commented 1 year ago

hello, I am using this library. All very well is the only one that has worked with my api laravel back end. But the auth/login method returns the uppercase fields I use fb 2.5, which is not possible to use lowercase in tables and fieldsnames. How could I solve it "records": [ { "ID": 1, "LOGIN": "juan", "EMAIL": "juanfergl@gmail.com" } ], "total_records": 1, "record_count": 1, "total_page": 1 }


Hi @jfgonzalez-git-col !

Are you using Fortify?

jfgonzalez-git-col commented 1 year ago

hello, I use JwtGuard. The problem is if it is the Fb 2.5 that forces its tables to be capitalized, you can help with the dialect to type 3. this allows fields and tables with lowercase names. But when you do Select with old tables of the DB, as the client table is in Uppercase and then it is combined and the Select does not work, I attach example: Select "field1", "FIELD2" from "table1" inner join "TABLE2"

so the problem is that grammer25 is doing everything wrong.

jfgonzalez-git-col commented 1 year ago

Fix the authorization portion by the API. I did it by creating the laravel tables in lowercase with "users" like that.

I already managed to get several subsequent data in my forms that are Vue Quasar, but I only have problem with the last View(form) that makes a complete Select to several tables, this was what I mentioned above.

guilhermeagirardi commented 1 year ago

Hello @jfgonzalez-git-col!

I'm no Firebird expert, I created a copy of the marcha/laravel-firebird lib and added support for Laravel 9.x. Since this and others seemed to be out of date for some time.

You can take a look at Issues for libraries like: sim1984/laravel-firebird jacquestvanzuydam/laravel-firebird KKSzymanowski/laravel-6-firebird harrygulliford/laravel-firebird

If anyone has gone through something similar, or even if you have the same problems using them.

I have a 2.5 database and it accepts both uppercase and lowercase, I get the same result. But I can't tell you what's different.

I hope I have helped in some way.

If you have knowledge, you can submit a PR.