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Acknowledgments #13

Closed davidlmobley closed 6 years ago

davidlmobley commented 6 years ago

The PDF has an acknowledgment of financial support for DMZ, but no author has those initials.

ramess101 commented 6 years ago


Was this supposed to be your financial support statement? Should this say DRR? No one else would have funding from an NIH grant.

Or is this a mistake entirely? I noticed that the exact same statement is found in the other LiveCoMS best practices guide that you contributed to (https://github.com/dmzuckerman/Sampling-Uncertainty/blob/master/main.pdf) where Daniel M. Zuckerman (DMZ) was an author. So maybe this got copied over by mistake.

drroe commented 6 years ago

I definitely didn't add it (I don't get grants from the NIH since I work for the NIH :smiley:). Seems like a copy/paste error and can be removed.