ejmastnak / dotfiles

ejmastnak's dotfiles
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SELECT_RAW is now called LS_SELECT_RAW #3

Closed albertfgu closed 1 year ago

albertfgu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the wonderful guide :) I enjoyed reading it and it helped me set up a modern Neovim config

I was fighting a bit with the snippet logic and found that the name of the SELECT_RAW variable seems to have been changed. It doesn't seem well documented so I'm not even sure how you found this solution at all... but at any rate changing the name in https://github.com/ejmastnak/dotfiles/blob/main/config/nvim/lua/personal/luasnip-helper-funcs.lua makes my setup work now.

ejmastnak commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the wonderful guide :) I enjoyed reading it and it helped me set up a modern Neovim config

Thanks for letting me know, glad it was helpful :)

I was fighting a bit with the snippet logic and found that the name of the SELECT_RAW variable seems to have been changed.

Thank you for pointing this out, much appreciated! Not sure how you found it but glad you did---I now see that the switch to the LS_ env variable namespace is mentioned as a breaking change here: https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip/issues/81#issuecomment-1235595467

I'll update the guide online right now.

ejmastnak commented 1 year ago

Done! I've changed SELECT_RAW to LS_SELECT_RAW and added a short deprecation warning about the switch to the LS_ prefix in https://github.com/ejmastnak/ejmastnak.com/commit/4d8cb673ccf688c0f5c8814b820d647e008f5d60

I've also taken the liberty of thanking you on the series homepage https://www.ejmastnak.com/tutorials/vim-latex/intro/#feedback; I hope that's alright with you!