ejoffe / spr

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remove MaybeStar call from main.go #321

Closed eax-anyscale closed 1 year ago

eax-anyscale commented 1 year ago


when performing work, contributing to an open source project, or any other time the user is using spr they obviously don't want to be interrupted. It is worse than this interruption is for what is effectively spamming a meaningless metric.


Remove the call that generates this spam. Future work can delete the code entirely.

ejoffe commented 1 year ago

You have something against adding a star for a tool that is useful to you?

eax-anyscale commented 1 year ago

I don't have any problem clicking the star button -- although I can't imagine any use case we're I'd actually look at the number of stars for a given a tool. I do have significant issues with a tool interrupting me in the middle of trying to use it to do something .

ejoffe commented 1 year ago

I suggest you star the repo and it won't bug you again.