ejoffe / spr

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Address deprecation warning on goreleaser's --rm-dist #338

Closed kwk closed 1 year ago

kwk commented 1 year ago

When running make I see this deprecation warning:

Flag --rm-dist has been deprecated, please use --clean instead

I run this version of goreleaser:

$ goreleaser --version
  ____       ____      _
 / ___| ___ |  _ \ ___| | ___  __ _ ___  ___ _ __
| |  _ / _ \| |_) / _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \ '__|
| |_| | (_) |  _ <  __/ |  __/ (_| \__ \  __/ |
 \____|\___/|_| \_\___|_|\___|\__,_|___/\___|_|
goreleaser: Deliver Go Binaries as fast and easily as possible

GitVersion:    1.19.1
GitCommit:     6b46a1a6aa51e45bd281d55b6e5a2315ee82f643
GitTreeState:  false
BuildDate:     2023-06-29T12:55:30Z
BuiltBy:       goreleaser
GoVersion:     go1.20.5
Compiler:      gc
ModuleSum:     h1:MVAFo62jkj6/JflxruefIwfFTqNTeNtkT12Hab1o2Lk=
Platform:      linux/amd64
ejoffe commented 1 year ago

Thank you for contributing to spr!