ejoy / ant

Ant game engine
MIT License
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无法隐藏group #96

Closed junjie020 closed 4 months ago

junjie020 commented 4 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/ejoy/ant/discussions/93

Originally posted by **constly** February 18, 2024 具体见 ant.test.features 里面的 group_test.lua ,按了G或H后,模型没有被隐藏 相关代码如下: ``` function group_test_sys:data_changed() for _, key, press in kb_mb:unpack() do if key == "G" and press == 0 then group_states["group_test1"] = not group_states["group_test1"] ig.enable_from_name("group_test1", "view_visible", group_states["group_test1"]) elseif key == "H" and press == 0 then group_states["group_test2"] = not group_states["group_test2"] ig.enable_from_name("group_test2", "view_visible", group_states["group_test2"]) elseif key == "B" and press == 0 then PC:create_instance { prefab = "/pkg/ant.resources.binary/meshes/base/ring.glb|mesh.prefab", group = ig.groupid "group_test2", on_ready = function(e) local eid = e.tag['*'][1] local ee = world:entity(eid, "scene:in") iom.set_position(ee, math3d.vector(0, 0, 10, 1)) end } end end end ```
junjie020 commented 4 months ago
