ejs-ejs / multilanguage

This is the multilanguage.sty package for LaTeX
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Beamer multilanguage support #1

Open erotavlasme opened 5 years ago

erotavlasme commented 5 years ago

Hi, I was looking for a way to write a multilanguage latex presentation and I found your solutions. I tried it with beamer, but it has some problem. For instance, titles do not work:

\item \lang{it}{Questa stringa appare solo in italiano.} \lang{en}{This string shows up only in English.}

Moreover, the commands break the presentation links and the hierarchical organization of section, subsection and so on. Do you confirm that it is compatible with beamer? Thank you

ejs-ejs commented 5 years ago

Hi, The usage is not straightforward, as you must prepare the environment. Here is the working example, sorry for the "\PrerenderUnicode":



\usepackage[italian, lithuanian, english]{babel} %enables babel to every lang supported by your document


\usepackage{multilanguage} % import the file with the above definitions

\author[ejs]{Eugenijus Januškevičius} 

%\title{Minimal working example for 'multilanguage' package}
%\hypersetup{pdflang={lt}, pdfsubject={Minimal working example for 'multilinguage' package}, pdfkeywords={beamer, multilanguage}, }

%\title{Minimal working example for 'multilanguage' package}
%\hypersetup{pdflang={en}, pdfsubject={Minimal working example for 'multilinguage' package}, pdfkeywords={beamer, multilanguage}, }

\title{Minimal working example for 'multilanguage' package}
\hypersetup{pdflang={it}, pdfsubject={Minimal working example for 'multilinguage' package}, pdfkeywords={beamer, multilanguage}, }



 \lang{it}{Sommario in italiano.} 
 \lang{en}{Summary in English.} 
 \lang{lt}{Lietuviška santrauka.}




    \lang{it}{Questa stringa appare solo in italiano.} 
    \lang{en}{This string shows up only in English.}
    \lang{lt}{Ši eilutė atsiranda tik lietuviškame tekste.}

   \lang{it}{Questa stringa appare solo in italiano.} 
   \lang{en}{The second string shows up only in English.} 
   \lang{lt}{Ši eilutė ir vėl atsiranda tik lietuviškame tekste.}



And make sure you are correctly swiching PDF output options too.

erotavlasme commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the fast reply. I redefined one command and I created a new command for bold word or group of words. Now it works quite well.


% https://github.com/ejs-ejs/multilanguage
\ProvidesPackage{multilanguage}[2015/10/04 Create a document in one of multiple languages]

%% enable babel to every lang supported by your document
%% \usepackage[italian,english,lithuanian]{babel}
%% \usepackage{multilanguage}
%% set short and long language codes. The second one must be known by babel
%% This will be the language of current document
%% Sections, subsections, subsubsections:
%% in the first parameter you can freely use both short or long language codes
%% \sectionlang{it}{Sezione 1}
%% \sectionlang{english}{Section 1}
%% Strings will be displayed only in a certain language
%% \lang{it}{Questa stringa appare solo in italiano.}
%% \lang{en}{This string shows up only in English.}
%% \lang{lt}{Ši eilutė bus tik lietuviškame tekste.}
%% When you have only two languages, you can simply rely on this if-else construct
%% \langif{it}{If vero: questo e' italiano.}{Else: this is for any language
%% different from Italian.}
%% Additon for Beamer package:
%% \frametitlelang - frame title in particular language, use inside \frame{}
%% \frame{\frametitlelang{lt}{Literatūra: papildomas sąrašas}
%% \frametitlelang{en}{Literature: supplementary list}}



% set short and long language codes, the second one must be known by babel

% Multilingual support commands
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\doclang} \OR \equal{#1}{\doclangshort}}




I created a minimum working example. Now I have a problem with spaces added each time that I use \lang{}{} or \boldlang{}{} on word or group of words. Do you have any idea?