ekasetiawans / flutter_background_service

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Whatsapp method of background live location #431

Open nicolasvahidzein opened 1 month ago

nicolasvahidzein commented 1 month ago

I'm sorry to open a ticket for this but I don't seem to understand how whatsapp is able to continually provide a live location update in the background for up to 8 hours and in the read me it says we are limited to only every 15mn.

How is whatsapp able to accomplish this in a way that we cannot?

Thank you so much.

ImanGhasemiArani commented 1 month ago

hello, se this related topic,

nicolasvahidzein commented 1 month ago

@ImanGhasemiArani thanks but nothing in there really addresses my needs.

ekasetiawans commented 1 month ago

Background location is requires special permission, you have to explain the usages when you want to publish your app in appstore or playstore.

nicolasvahidzein commented 1 month ago

Yes but that is not the issue here. I said how to code it not the playstore guidelines.

reliable-dev786 commented 3 weeks ago

@ekasetiawans I want the same feature like i want to share my current location continuously unless the user stop it or after some hours like 3-4. I'm using this package but it stop after sometime in terminated state of app. How can i achieve this scenario? I think the battery optimizer stop the service so how can i prevent it?