ekasetiawans / flutter_bluetooth_printer_plugin

MIT License
21 stars 36 forks source link

Problems on the ios #1

Closed renanzdm closed 1 year ago

renanzdm commented 2 years ago

First of all thank you very much for the package which is very good. I'll explain how I'm using your plugin to print. For greater customization I'm generating the HTML prints and I'm converting them to image using this package https://pub.dev/packages/webcontent_converter but since it's not null-safety I forked it and I'm using it straight from my github https://github.com/renanzdm/webcontent_convert_forked I intend to upload it if the author does not update it.

ekasetiawans commented 1 year ago

you can call printImage method to print an image. The image provided is just raster type of your full receipt. Make sure you have resize the image depending to the paper size you use.