ekinhbayar / gitamp

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Upstream DNSLIB problems #26

Closed PeeHaa closed 6 years ago

PeeHaa commented 7 years ago

Just putting it here in case somebody ever hits something related:

notice Undefined offset: 0 in /opt/gitamp/vendor/amphp/socket/lib/functions.php on line 90

No idea what's going on. Maybe it was a glitch / connection hickup, but I doubt it should throw notices in our face.

It started working again after restart. We need to keep an eye on it to see if it goes funky again.

PeeHaa commented 7 years ago

Captain's log: today it blew up again.

Probably DNS lib related. Possible workaround by le @Danack:

\Amp\Dns\resolver(new \SiteTool\BlockingResolver()); + github.com/Danack/SiteTool/… are a workaround for me, but I don't need fully async all the things.

cc @daverandom fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it ?

ekinhbayar commented 7 years ago

Aaand it blew up again. The log is full of these (same as above notice).

PeeHaa commented 7 years ago

No idea what this means, but:


PeeHaa commented 7 years ago

Just got this on my windows box.

Once DNS fails it just keeps failing even after fixing the connection.

[2017-01-29 15:33:45] notice fwrite(): send of 32 bytes failed with errno=10022 Er is een ongeldig argument opgegeven. in D:\Web\gitamp\vendor\amphp\dns\lib\DefaultResolver.php on line 198 [2017-01-29 15:33:48] warning unpack(): Type n: not enough input, need 2, have 1 in D:\Web\gitamp\vendor\amphp\dns\lib\DefaultResolver.php on line 556

kelunik commented 7 years ago

Every notice should be reported upstream.

kelunik commented 7 years ago

This should actually never happen, because either at least one record should be returned or an exception be thrown.

kelunik commented 6 years ago

I think this can be closed, as it's using the Amp v2 version of amphp/dns now?

PeeHaa commented 6 years ago

yes. Thought the same. <3