This feature proposes enhancing the LighthouseAuditor to directly incorporate SEO metrics into its existing performance audits. This modification will provide a unified and comprehensive analysis of web pages, encompassing both technical performance and SEO effectiveness within a single report.
🚀 Motivation
Integrating SEO metrics within the core LighthouseAuditor output creates a single, holistic analysis of web page health, eliminating the need for separate SEO audits.
📝 Proposed Solution
Extend LighthouseAuditor: Modify the LighthouseAuditor class to collect and analyze SEO-related data during the audit process and if needed add recommendations.
Save output in the database: Store the combined performance and SEO audit data in the database.
Modify BFF schema and resolvers: Update the backend-for-frontend (BFF) schema to accommodate the new SEO data and modify resolvers to fetch and deliver the data correctly.
Display reports in the Frontend: Enhance the frontend UI to display the integrated performance and SEO reports, providing clear visualizations and actionable recommendations.
✨ Description
This feature proposes enhancing the LighthouseAuditor to directly incorporate SEO metrics into its existing performance audits. This modification will provide a unified and comprehensive analysis of web pages, encompassing both technical performance and SEO effectiveness within a single report.
🚀 Motivation
Integrating SEO metrics within the core LighthouseAuditor output creates a single, holistic analysis of web page health, eliminating the need for separate SEO audits.
📝 Proposed Solution
🔗 Relevant Links (if any)